Cutting and pasting into a Grid Control


Sep 5, 2005
I have created an application that allows users to update, add and delete from a rules database. There are about 70 tables in the schema so I build the grid on the fly each time. I showed it to the users last week and they came up with some suggestions and one of them is to be able to cut and paste from an Excel spreadsheet to the Grid. This is not just one row (which works fine) but 20, 40 and even 100 rows at a pop.

Has anyone done this? I am using Component One True DB Grid for .Net and for the most part it is a great tool. But I am kind of stumped on this one. Would it be better to insert the rows into the dataset and then refresh the grid? Any suggestions would be welcome.

This is written in VB .NET under Visual Studio .NET 2003
