Cursor hole puts Windows PCs at risk

sigh. when I clicked this link I thought for sure it was a joke. :(
Just a few days after that security report touted Windows as the most secure! HA

a friggen cursor!! there is a reason trading standards in the UK banned MS from saying they were the cheapest and most secure... Blatent lies/false advertising

I mean a cursor!!
Just a few days after that security report touted Windows as the most secure! HA

a friggen cursor!! there is a reason trading standards in the UK banned MS from saying they were the cheapest and most secure... Blatent lies/false advertising

I mean a cursor!!


rule of thumb...don't go to shitty sites or if you're using firefox, make sure you're using NoScript.

if you're lookin for pron on some obscure website, you're at risk. if you at these forums everyday and thats all you visit, i doubt you have anything to worry about.

thats why i rolled my eyes at you

you know security is also on the user too. whatever though. it wont take MS as long to come out with a patch as it does for Apple ;)
Rule of thumb. Don't visit shitty sites like CNet if you want reliable information. They don't provide it all because they neglect details.

Security vulnerability (in theory) for XP and earlier Windows users who visit sites they should know better than to visit.

Security 'vulnerability' for Vista users who have disabled UAC, but then Vista users who have disabled UAC are themselves the security vulnerability.

Not an exploit which can impact on a Vista UAC enabled system. Read the MS report, not the CNet one ;)
From the last paragraph of the c-net report,

The exposure to attacks that exploit the flaw is mitigated on Vista machines with Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft noted. IE 7 protected mode shields the computer against drive-by installations because the browser is restricted to where it can write files.
Just a few days after that security report touted Windows as the most secure! HA

Yep, but that report also found Microsoft is going to fix it quicker than the other leading OS out there.

Plus, Microsoft has over 20 MILLION people using Vista alone now. Of course there are going to be more flaws found.
What is interesting- is Windows has fewer total flaws than anyone else- but their userbase is a TON larger.

I can deal with one security problem once in a while. What is amazing is Windows doesn't have MORE problems, with the amount of people able to sniff the problems out. As mentioned- Vista with UAC enabled- this isn't going to bring down your system. It isn't that big of deal.