Current monitor options > 30"


Sep 6, 2007
Greetings. My 21" CRT did the snap crackle pop acrid smoke only displays horizontal line thingy last night and i need a new monitor. I want to get rid of my TV (permanent diagonal lines through the display) and use the new display for both TV and computing. To do so i need an LCD over 30" or text just won't be legible from my futon. 37-42" is about ideal for the space.

The problem is, there seems to be the monitor market (<30", high res and designed for computer inputs) and then the HDTV market (30"+ and often with display lag &tc.). I was looking at the Westinghouse options but those are pretty hard to come by these days. Is there any spiritual successor to that incredible deal?

I can't spend more than $1200 and would prefer not to break the $1k barrier at all. Is there any option at all that wasteland of cheap large monitors? . Those people know a lot about HDTVs and monitors. I personally have been looking at the LN32A650. It is a 32" 1080p HDTV from samsung. I have done quite a lot of research into it and it seems to be a great display for gaming. I guess I will find out soon enough. Here is the ungodly large 400+ page thread on the 650 series.
And people think I am crazy for wanting a 30" monitor :p
If you could get your hands on a Westy 37"-er would probably be a very good deal (though be prepared to deal with firmware issues on some models).