CSSource - The secks.


Oct 11, 2003

Here's a screenie I snagged tonight, the gun/floor reflections are amazing, the only thing wrong right now would be the massive amounts of skywalkers, and there's already a few cheats out :( But maybe once VAC is on they'll get caught.

By the way, pulling a steady 50-60 FPS with everything set to "high" and 6xAA/4xAF (the autodetected settings for my card).
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Why would dusty stone reflect light? :eek:

im wondering the same too. i mean, bumpmapping is hardly called for with the textures and lighting dust has. it looks like they are just wanting to put the technology in there for the sake of technology

but i suppose its possible that those tiles were newly paved, and CTs and Ts hadn't tracked dust onto it yet :p
And why is the player shooting left-handed? That M4 Carbine doesn't have an ambi fire selector or safety; does it take extra time to change rate of fire that way? It should.
|ke said:
And why is the player shooting left-handed? That M4 Carbine doesn't have an ambi fire selector or safety; does it take extra time to change rate of fire that way? It should.
i hope this is not a serious point.

the dust reflection thing. It wouldn't necessarily reflect the light, but it could allow for an ambient glow? Kind of like how light catches dust in the air?
|ke said:
And why is the player shooting left-handed? That M4 Carbine doesn't have an ambi fire selector or safety; does it take extra time to change rate of fire that way? It should.

Cause I set it to left handed, so the guns are right and it just makes me more 1337. You don't change ROF in Counter-Strike... I think you need to get off those WWII shooters son.
those look more like bathroom tiles than the concrete/dust tile things that should be in dust...
How is that 6xAA/4xAF? I can see jaggies, and I can see blurring in the textures at the end of the hallway.
finalgt said:
How is that 6xAA/4xAF? I can see jaggies, and I can see blurring in the textures at the end of the hallway.

That's what it says in the options so :cool:

I know the tile looks out of place a little, but I still can't get over how well it looks.
heyheyhey said:
I know the tile looks out of place a little, but I still can't get over how well it looks.
That's what I thought when I was playing yesterday. On a side note, the lady who ran the place there, who was like 45 and definetly the coolest old lady I've ever met, said that they were supposed to get aztec and d2 that night/the next day. Anyone confirm/deny?
i got to play the game a bit over the weekend and i can say the game looks *much* better than this picture portrays. search around, it's really an awesome looking game and you can have up to 40+ people on a server, not just 4 like some games...
The idea of playing de_dust with 40+ people makes me cringe.

Also, I agree that using bump mapping there is just to show off the effect; it isn't for the sake of realism. They could have dressed that scene up some other way and made it just as impressive.

Also, a note to the original poster... if you're going to use jpeg, please don't turn the compression all the way up. The halos around the gun and the artifacts on everything make it look horrible. :( Try PNG for screenshots intended to show off visuals, that way you don't lose quality.
I know that this website is dedicated to extreme performance when it comes to your PC, but I think too many people here are, to a certain degree, graphics snobs. In a different thread showing off CS:S screens several posters said they looked just like the original CS and were wholly unimpressive.

People seem to nitpick too much. The tiles look wrong? I never in a thousand years would have noticed something like that. Maybe it isn't the exact type of flooring that you'd find in such a location, but does it realy matter? The screenshot looks great and I for one can't wait to play.
CS:S's graphics are, without a doubt, much better than CS. It's hard to tell if they're better than Doom III overall because de_dust is highly unimaginitive, just like it is for CS. If more detail was added to it then it could potentially be better, but due to a lack of quality map design Doom III annihilates it in the visuals department. CS:S's de_dust still has the VERY boxy feel. In terms of lighting, Doom III definitely has CS:S beat and I doubt that will ever change since lighting and shadows were an instrumental part of Doom III.

The highly anticipated physics engine that a lot of people are hoping will revolutionize interactivity or whatever is pretty dissapointing. It's clumsy to interact with objects. Once a barrel is knocked down it's all but impossible to stand it back up. You randomly "bump" off moveable objects in a pretty weird manner, even when something like a tire is laying down at foot level. Additionally, it's fairly unrealistic. You can knife a can and send it flying. HE grenades send barrels flying. Despite all this, the physics engine is still fairly nice and could add something to the game with better map design -- it's just not a major selling point of the game.

Basically, CS:S is not living up to its full potential due to a lack of quality map design and some needed tweaks. The potential is there to be really awesome graphicially and interactively, it just needs work. I think eventually, given enough time, it will improve significantly.
Well, we are the [H]ardcore gamers, so you can expect us to "nitpick" about details. CS, for example, tries to be realistic; therefore, something like those shiny/dusty tiles really jumps out at us as being wrong. It just doesn't make any sense, aside from showing off a graphics feature.

And commenting on the graphics doesn't make us graphics snobs. Most of us haven't actually had a chance to play this game yet, so all we have to talk about are the screenshots and videos released.

I agree that, compared to what you see in HL2 single player, CS:S doesn't look nearly good enough considering the engine it's running on. They could have added a LOT more detail easily, and with minimal performance impact. Some new maps would have been nice too, but I haven't heard a word about that. It just seems like the same old CS with thin coat of polish.

Oh, and regarding the physics engine in it... the biggest use of it I've seen in CS:S thus far is shooting watermelons around, so it seems to be just another bit of polish as well.

Edit: Good post kick@ss; I agree with pretty much all of that, as you can see :)
Well the physics engine has actually been around for a while, as it's a version of the Havok engine. I think it's the graphics, AI, gameplay, modability, and multiplayer that are the game's selling point and the physics are just a nice little addon to increase realism (even if they aren't completely realistic). However, I must admit, I spent 30-45 minutes when I first got my hands on CS: S just playing around with shooting barrels and cans and shit.
Yeah, if you run into something such as a bucket, you "bounce" off of it, if you shoot a barrel, it reacts after you've shot it, if you jump on a barrel, you go right through it, THEN it moves, etc. etc. Just little things like that, but its still alot of fun.
heyheyhey said:
Yeah, if you run into something such as a bucket, you "bounce" off of it, if you shoot a barrel, it reacts after you've shot it, if you jump on a barrel, you go right through it, THEN it moves, etc. etc. Just little things like that, but its still alot of fun.

Far Cry, Doom 3, Max Payne 2, and a couple others have this. The physics in this game just arnt impressive anymore, I think the gameplay will make up for everything though.
as long as the weapons are more accurate than they are in CS 1.6 Ill be happy...the whole full out spray from an ak which hits the floor ceiling walls everything but whats in front of you annoyed me greatly. and from some of the videos ive seen...this has stopped :)
heyheyhey said:
Yeah, if you run into something such as a bucket, you "bounce" off of it, if you shoot a barrel, it reacts after you've shot it, if you jump on a barrel, you go right through it, THEN it moves, etc. etc. Just little things like that, but its still alot of fun.
Yeah, I noticed that too, but I'm betting it's due to ping/lag rather than just an overall delay. I'm betting it's gotta send a packet to the server saying "I just shot the barrel in x location" and the server sends a packet back saying "the barrel moves 3 feet to the left and spins 45 degrees" and then it displays on your screen. I'm betting the phyics in SP won't have any delay at all.
Uh... you guys do realize that all the barrels are server-side, right? So when you 'bump into' one or whatever, your client has to wait for the server to process the physics interaction and then get back to you... hence the delay. they've obviously simplified the physics on all the server-side objects to reduce network traffic. Having server-side physics in multiplayer is a lot more difficult than singleplayer, the HL2 phyics are a lot more advanced based on the videos we've seen.

You guys who complain that nothing much has changed in CS:S - of course it hasn't. Everytime there's a minor CS update sales of Kleenex jump - too many 13 year olds crying about AWP fastswitch. CS:S is just better graphics and a few token physics objects thrown in to make maps seem more interactive.
dscowboy said:
Uh... you guys do realize that all the barrels are server-side, right? So when you 'bump into' one or whatever, your client has to wait for the server to process the physics interaction and then get back to you... hence the delay. they've obviously simplified the physics on all the server-side objects to reduce network traffic. Having server-side physics in multiplayer is a lot more difficult than singleplayer, the HL2 phyics are a lot more advanced based on the videos we've seen.

You guys who complain that nothing much has changed in CS:S - of course it hasn't. Everytime there's a minor CS update sales of Kleenex jump - too many 13 year olds crying about AWP fastswitch. CS:S is just better graphics and a few token physics objects thrown in to make maps seem more interactive.
Well put.
dscowboy said:
Uh... you guys do realize that all the barrels are server-side, right? So when you 'bump into' one or whatever, your client has to wait for the server to process the physics interaction and then get back to you... hence the delay. they've obviously simplified the physics on all the server-side objects to reduce network traffic. Having server-side physics in multiplayer is a lot more difficult than singleplayer, the HL2 phyics are a lot more advanced based on the videos we've seen.

You guys who complain that nothing much has changed in CS:S - of course it hasn't. Everytime there's a minor CS update sales of Kleenex jump - too many 13 year olds crying about AWP fastswitch. CS:S is just better graphics and a few token physics objects thrown in to make maps seem more interactive.

That would explain alot.

No complaints about it then :)
I was just hoping for something new since I grew disenchanted with the old CS a long time ago. Oh well.

The Strike Force 2004 mod for UT2004 is looking pretty damn good. I'll get my tactical shooter fix when it comes out ;)
I think the funniest thing in this thread is that there are already cheats out.
from watching the videos, what impressed me the most are the sounds of the bullets hitting things and how all the different surfaces sound distinctly different.
Visable-assassin said:
as long as the weapons are more accurate than they are in CS 1.6 Ill be happy...the whole full out spray from an ak which hits the floor ceiling walls everything but whats in front of you annoyed me greatly. and from some of the videos ive seen...this has stopped :)
You're kidding right? I guess you're one of those players that runs at his enemies holding down the mouse button wondering why every bullet isn't accurate. :rolleyes:
VAC doesn't really work much right now as people are still cheating, so I'm guessing this version of CS is going to be riddled just like the current version. I've been known to be wrong though, just ask my ex-girlfriend.

Anyway, not to turn this into a CS cheating thread, but I just thought it was kind of funny that people are already cheating in a beta.
If it's pretty much the old CS drawn on a different engine with a few tweaks, then it's expected that there will be cheaters and that it would be easy to apply old cheats to this version.
dudewth said:
You're kidding right? I guess you're one of those players that runs at his enemies holding down the mouse button wondering why every bullet isn't accurate. :rolleyes:

Kidding? no..run at everyone with my mouse held down...no Nice way to make a general assumption chump. Ive always bitched about the AK since 1.5 came out...I hated it with a passion....
QHalo said:
VAC doesn't really work much right now as people are still cheating, so I'm guessing this version of CS is going to be riddled just like the current version. I've been known to be wrong though, just ask my ex-girlfriend.

Anyway, not to turn this into a CS cheating thread, but I just thought it was kind of funny that people are already cheating in a beta.

there were hacks for the ut2004 demo, cs1.6 beta. This is normal. I mean its cs :D
Visable-assassin said:
Kidding? no..run at everyone with my mouse held down...no Nice way to make a general assumption chump. Ive always bitched about the AK since 1.5 came out...I hated it with a passion....
Stand in one place. Maybe even try to crouch. Shoot 2 bullet bursts with the AK. Drag your mouse down slightly when you fire the second bullet. Now do that when you're shooting at an enemy, but strafe back and forth between those 2 bullet bursts and shoot the bursts when you start moving the opposite direction. I guarantee you that the AK is the most accurate automatic rifle for the first bullet, and if you follow the method above, the second bullet will also be accurate.

The AK is by far my favorite weapon since they changed the AWP zoom time. It kills people in one shot to the head. Enough said.

antonanton said:
how do we get CS:source???
Visable-assassin said:
Kidding? no..run at everyone with my mouse held down...no Nice way to make a general assumption chump. Ive always bitched about the AK since 1.5 came out...I hated it with a passion....

i remmeber when people were talking about making a professional mod for cs, to make it more like 1.3 or something for the CAL players. B/c they say all the updates since 1.3 were just to appeal to more pub players. Although I dont tottally agree with that (yes ive played CAL)

I though it would be more fun to make a mod in which all the guns were more accruate and took less damage to get kills. Would just make the game more intense. Or have the abilty to look down the sights of every weapon and that makes them alot more accurate (like joint ops)

I always thought that would be fun to try out in cs, not saying they should change the whole game permantley, just a mod.
QHalo said:
VAC doesn't really work much right now as people are still cheating, so I'm guessing this version of CS is going to be riddled just like the current version. I've been known to be wrong though, just ask my ex-girlfriend.

Anyway, not to turn this into a CS cheating thread, but I just thought it was kind of funny that people are already cheating in a beta.

you are more likely to be able to cheat in a beta than a final version, so its better its happening now and not later, so valve has a chance to do something about it
dudewth said:
Stand in one place. Maybe even try to crouch. Shoot 2 bullet bursts with the AK. Drag your mouse down slightly when you fire the second bullet. Now do that when you're shooting at an enemy, but strafe back and forth between those 2 bullet bursts and shoot the bursts when you start moving the opposite direction. I guarantee you that the AK is the most accurate automatic rifle for the first bullet, and if you follow the method above, the second bullet will also be accurate.

The AK is by far my favorite weapon since they changed the AWP zoom time. It kills people in one shot to the head. Enough said.


I'm not sure if this is what he was trying to say, but it certainly applies. My problem with the guns in CS is that they use conefire; the trajectory of each shot is traced at a random angle from the barrel of the gun within a set spread, so shots don't usually fire on the crosshair. This is why you have to fire in 2 to 3 shot bursts; recoil + conefire throws shots all over hell.

I prefer games that actually trace the shot straight from the barrel of the gun and use realistic recoil. Thus you can fire a longer burst effectively, provided you can handle the recoil by dragging the mouse. I believe Operation Flashpoint uses this, as does the UT2004 mod Red Orchestra. It's a lot more fun, in my opinion.
Rehevkor said:
I'm not sure if this is what he was trying to say, but it certainly applies. My problem with the guns in CS is that they use conefire; the trajectory of each shot is traced at a random angle from the barrel of the gun within a set spread, so shots don't usually fire on the crosshair. This is why you have to fire in 2 to 3 shot bursts; recoil + conefire throws shots all over hell.

I prefer games that actually trace the shot straight from the barrel of the gun and use realistic recoil. Thus you can fire a longer burst effectively, provided you can handle the recoil by dragging the mouse. I believe Operation Flashpoint uses this, as does the UT2004 mod Red Orchestra. It's a lot more fun, in my opinion.

yeah this sounds alot better