Crysis, the best FPS to date


Extremely [H]
Nov 5, 2005
Gamespot just gave it a 9.5 and couldn't say enough good things about it:;title;1

This game is obviously now the standard bearer for at least how games should look and my congratulations (as well as my $50 for the game!) go out to Crytek.

I must admit, the only issue with this game is the computing power to play it well. What a shame that AMD and nVidia didn't have a next gen part to go with this game. What a great combo that could have been. Perhaps Crytek should have waited for next gen GPU before releasing this game, but then it might not have been as special technically because obviously games continue to look better and better all the time.

Well my weekend is planned. I hope you all enjoy!
Couldn't disagree more. Storytelling is OK, visuals are very nice, but the gameplay is all gimmick.

I vastly prefer HL 2 for the immersion and untouchable storytelling. I don't care about whatever the guy's name is in Crysis, but I'm dying to find out about what happens to Freeman and crew. Hell, I feel more attachment to the weighted companion cube than the dudes in Crysis.

It's a nice game and a nice achievement in making a game that can't be played to it's fullest with what's out today - something that is assiduously avoided by most all the other publishers - but without those visuals there really isn't anything there. It's fun and most definitely worth buying, but certainly not the best ever - not by a longshot.
Man theres FPS's out there that put Crysis to shame. People just see all the bells and whistles and count that as great gameplay.
Like what?

Just because you don't like open ended combat doesn't mean it's bad. It's brings some variety to the table at least.

It's not like we have had any good SP games come out lately other than HL2 EP2.
i really like the story line, but the the AI is just retarded and the environmental lighting is weird. Not to mention it takes a machine of biblical proportions to play the game smoothly at higher settings.

I was really looking forward to it, but it's mediocre in my opinion.
You guys bash the gameplay but have any of you actually played through the full game? You can't justify gameplay with the short-ass demo. From looking at the gamespot video, theres some pretty cool parts where you're floating in a space-ship and what not. All I'm saying is that play the full game through once, then make up your mind on things like gameplay.
You guys bash the gameplay but have any of you actually played through the full game? You can't justify gameplay with the short-ass demo. From looking at the gamespot video, theres some pretty cool parts where you're floating in a space-ship and what not. All I'm saying is that play the full game through once, then make up your mind on things like gameplay.

Arrrrr, matey.
I tried the demo, have to say the gameplay for crysis is pretty cool, im running on everything low + low res, the game surprisingly looks ok. But the suit power is pretty creative, the world is realistic, such little thing as picking up guns, to live like enemy AI. The character die very quickly, so suit power is essential. Everything about the suit is creative, but finding the strength pretty useless unless you want to pull off some fancy moves.

Farcry with better graphic and the suit, its no HL2, but still a AAA title
Man theres FPS's out there that put Crysis to shame. People just see all the bells and whistles and count that as great gameplay.

QFT, One thing that really makes me shake my head, is how many people actually say how well the game runs, and defend it to death....I'll stop my rant there.
You guys bash the gameplay but have any of you actually played through the full game? You can't justify gameplay with the short-ass demo. From looking at the gamespot video, theres some pretty cool parts where you're floating in a space-ship and what not. All I'm saying is that play the full game through once, then make up your mind on things like gameplay.

I've played through the first 4 levels and guess what I'm still not impressed... maybe it'll get better maybe it won't but so far its not impressing me much!

Clive Barkers Undying was more impressive for me.
Couldn't disagree more. Storytelling is OK, visuals are very nice, but the gameplay is all gimmick.

I vastly prefer HL 2 for the immersion and untouchable storytelling. I don't care about whatever the guy's name is in Crysis, but I'm dying to find out about what happens to Freeman and crew. Hell, I feel more attachment to the weighted companion cube than the dudes in Crysis.

It's a nice game and a nice achievement in making a game that can't be played to it's fullest with what's out today - something that is assiduously avoided by most all the other publishers - but without those visuals there really isn't anything there. It's fun and most definitely worth buying, but certainly not the best ever - not by a longshot.

Dude... the Hale Life storyline is all bullshit masked by more indecipherable bullshit. I read in a interview with one of the script writers for Valve that they are pretty much making things up as they go. I mean honestly, the "story" of Gordon Freeman is crap. If you are "immersed" in the "untouchable" storyline that involves Half Life 2, then you are reading too much into something that isn't there. Every episode leaves you with more questions then answers, and the whole game is a linear point-to-point game.

And you said "a nice achievement in making a game that can't be played to it's fullest with what's out today - something that is assiduously avoided by most all the other publishers" and the answer to that is straight up, no. Because Doom 3 was unplayable at highest settings by brand new hardware, and so was Farcry in some areas. And I remember that very well b/c I bought my videocard/system based on Doom 3 benchmarks. It was unplayable on a 6800 when that came out. And now, this is no different. Just because you can't play it at highest settings (on parts you probably couldn't afford anyway right now), don't knock it for that. This has been done on many games.

And also, if the gameplay for that game to you is a gimmick, then you must really love mindless FPS games where you're running down corridor after corridor shooting at things that are presented right in front of you. I played through Half Life 2 twice, but FarCry i've played at least 10 times, with the Crysis demo also at least 10 times. The outcome, and way you fight are never the same. It's all based on choice.

Not to mention that the Cryengine 2 engine has been years in the making, and was capable of accomplishing something even Valve couldn't (after promising, and showing us)... breakable wood where you shoot it. Not that that's a big deal, but when I 1st did it now on Crysis, it was kind of unreal.

Nevertheless, both are excellent games. But, Crysis will just have more replay value b/c of the open ended gameplay.
People really should stop throwing around "the best" like its a fact. Different people have different tastes. Just because its your favorite game doesn't make it the best.
zamardii, well written. I agree.

Duro, also agreed however someone stating "the best" is in fact stating their opinion.

From playing the demo I am in agreement with the OP that this is the best FPS to date. I've played the demo 10-15 times through and each time it's different. Each time I tried to accomplish things a bit different than previous and sometimes my 'plan' backfires and I have to adapt to what the enemy AI does. Is the AI revolutionary?'s merely a few steps better than the FarCry AI. There are levels of gameplay Crysis that I do not believe have been matched by other games. The abilities of the 'suit' adds layers to the game that hasn't been made available yet and the best part is the non-linear game style. I swear if I get stuck in corridors again with shit monsters jumping out at me in front and behind I'll go nuts. That is NOT good gaming.

For those of you whining about Crysis being too much for your PCs I have no sympathy for you. You'll whine about everything and nothing at all. Get a grip. Fact is that sometimes software outpaces hardware. This is one of those times. Within this year you'll all have upgraded and will revisit Crysis after the rumored upgrade patch comes out and it will be fantastic all over again.
I totally agrees with zamardii

FarCry was the better game off the then first 3 important DX9 title, the others being Half Life 2 and Doom 3. Until now, it's still the best eer FPS game to me, simply because I haven't complete Crysis yet.

To me, its the gameplay that makes an FPS game great, and FarCry gameplay concept is what makes it special. If I wants good storyline, I'd rather go for Silent Hill, which is not FPS anyway.

Graphic is just bonus to me. If anyone can run it at great quality, lucky you. If not, just turn it down and enjoy the game play.
Ive spent about 3 hours in the demo just shooting trees down, now thats a good game! ;)
I really really did not enjoy far cry. Based on the Crysis demo I'd love to buy the game, want to get Vista 64 first though, to fully enjoy it. I am amazed at how smooth 25 FPS looks on my system though, the graphical goodies really smooth it out.
I ran the demo with textures set to high, and everything else set to medium, and it's still probably the best looking game I've ever played.

Definitely a AAA title so far. Can't really say for sure, though, until I play the final product.
i didnt really care too much for farcry, i loved the open ended concept though. the crysis demo on the other hand is simply incredible.
And I remember that very well b/c I bought my videocard/system based on Doom 3 benchmarks. It was unplayable on a 6800 when that came out.
I have an old P2.4C/6800 GT rig as a secondary. Runs Doom 3 on High wonderfully at 1280x1024. Did so the day it came out, too. Not sure what game you played, quite frankly.

I'll refer you to the review you probably bought your 6800 because of.

Not to mention that the Cryengine 2 engine has been years in the making, and was capable of accomplishing something even Valve couldn't (after promising, and showing us)... breakable wood where you shoot it.
You could do that in the original Half-Life, actually. It was one of the more frequently used game mechanics.
Dude... the Hale Life storyline is all bullshit masked by more indecipherable bullshit. I read in a interview with one of the script writers for Valve that they are pretty much making things up as they go. I mean honestly, the "story" of Gordon Freeman is crap. If you are "immersed" in the "untouchable" storyline that involves Half Life 2, then you are reading too much into something that isn't there. Every episode leaves you with more questions then answers, and the whole game is a linear point-to-point game.

HL2 is linear in a good way though, it constantly drives the game forward. While I enjoy a good sandbox game now and again, I find myself too sidetracked with fooling around rather than finishing the story. For example, I never beat a GTA game. It's hard to find motivation when I can just drive around endlessly while having sex with prostitutes and killing anyone that says "you can sail the seven seas." Then you have the guy in this thread who claims to have spent hours shooting down trees rather than getting involved with the story. That's fine and all, but too many gimmicks and distractions can disrupt the flow of a good story.

HL2 also features the widest variety of gameplay I've seen in the ridiculously stale FPS genre. HL2 started off as a game where you are as helpless as any other citizen, getting off of a train and being pushed around by guards, not knowing why you were there, what you are supposed to do, etc... It later evolved into a standard FPS which later evolved into a driving game which later evolved into a survival horror game which later evolved into a gravity gun playground which later evolved into a strategy/defense game (turrets) which later evolved... You get the point. They are constantly switching it up in HL2 and for that reason I think it is one of the greatest FPS games out there.

The story is what you make of it. No one is forcing you to overanalyze it, but what I am fed through the game alone is great, unique storytelling IMO. The mystery of the Half-Life universe is what makes it all the more interesting.

On another note, I haven't become this attached to game characters since the Metal Gear series. My eyes friggin watered at the end of Episode 2! Chills ran up my spine! A game that can evoke that kind of emotion out of me is truely remarkable indeed.

Lastly, of course they are making things up as they go. How else would they do it? How do you think great television series like 24 are written? Why do you think season 7 got postponed? Because the writers decided to go on strike. No writers = no story = no filming = millions of unhappy people.

P.S. I'm fairly certain that Doom 3 didn't run nearly as bad as Crysis at the time it was released. Crysis just runs bad because they squeezed every piece of technology they could possibly think of into it. Combine that with the fact that it's primarily an outdoor game with huuuge view distances, and you got your source for low framerates.

And also, if the gameplay for that game to you is a gimmick, then you must really love mindless FPS games where you're running down corridor after corridor shooting at things that are presented right in front of you.

This is what a FPS IS ... mindless shooting :)
@ farcry comment.. farcry was relativly open as well. Didn't make it anymore fun than any other FPS.

Not to mention that the Cryengine 2 engine has been years in the making, and was capable of accomplishing something even Valve couldn't (after promising, and showing us)... breakable wood where you shoot it. Not that that's a big deal, but when I 1st did it now on Crysis, it was kind of unreal.
years in the making has never ment something is automatically a good product...Weee wood breaks.. that makes it #1 game...still dont care.. im killing people not wood/ Can i break off someones arm and beat them with it in strength mode ?????? that would be cool :)

Nevertheless, both are excellent games. But, Crysis will just have more replay value b/c of the open ended gameplay.

FPS do not have replay, thats why they have multiplayer...Really the AI in crysis/farcry actually makes it easier to beat than most other FPS's it rewards good aim/stealth/etc alot more.. if your careful/goodshot/not bad.. you will have a easier time on hard things.. most FPS style games just make the guys hit harder/faster/move faster/ have more health/never miss.. that ends up being much harder...
Though i guess i could be wrong.. maybe crysis will have some NPC's that second i stick my head up i get sniped instantly.... then it will just be annoying for a reload or 2 before their spots are revealed and then it wont be a issue ...

that being said im still buying crysis.. because hopefully the multiplayer wont be trash like farcry's and offer some more flavor to my game ADD play... tf2/cs:s/dota/ut2k4/every day ... with some hgl in there :p


nothing has/ever/will come as close to total immersion more than text based muds'

for 2d fun.. soldats owns :)
So who has actually played Crysis?

and I can't believe some of the comments about Far Cry. That has to be the most awesome FPS ever made. Endless possibilities on how to set up an attack on enemies OR just bust in there and wing it. Only game I rank above HL2.
I loved farcry and played through it twice

dled the crysis demo, and it feels like it's the same game, just updated

island, freaky shit, kill, kill, kill

I do say tho that engine is clearly the wave of the future, its too bad it doesnt run too hot on my machine

if they came out with better environment...for me that would sell

but forest, just doesn't excite me

the game is on my list after cod4, which is waiting to be installed when I get bored with TF2
I wouldnt call Crysis the "best" I wouldnt call any game that. I like both Crysis and HL2 imensly. HL2 has its ups and downs. After all this time we barely have had any questions answerd, not to mention the annoying "The freeman is amazing, I love the freeman, freeman freeman freeman freeman xe200" gets old very fast.

The Ai in Crysis has its ups and downs to me, I am still downloading the full game so I cant really comment on the overall story. I am looking forward too it and know I will enjoy it. I can run it with everything set to high and 8xAA at an average of 30fps (demo), no DX10 or I would run it on higher settings. I love the graphics and so forth.

Both HL2 and Crysis have wonderfull map making and level design, buth again both are different and have completely different stories. They are both wonderfull games in their own right. Some people like apples better and others like oranges, but that doesnt negate the fact that they are both some
Dude... the Hale Life storyline is all bullshit masked by more indecipherable bullshit. I read in a interview with one of the script writers for Valve that they are pretty much making things up as they go. I mean honestly, the "story" of Gordon Freeman is crap. If you are "immersed" in the "untouchable" storyline that involves Half Life 2, then you are reading too much into something that isn't there.

You're right. Being stranded on an island with strange mutants that are trying to kill you will always be far more immersing of a storyline than the Half-Life story arc could ever be. Crysis is just like FarCry: looks nice, bad game play, bad AI, and bad storyline. Nothing special to see here folks, just move along.
I've played through the first 3 levels or so and while it is a marvel to look at, I haven't been that impressed. Of the recent games I've played, IMO, CoD4 is superior in terms of storytelling and presentation, Bioshock in terms of atmosphere and art, and HL2 as an overall package.
In all fairness you're given a fair bit of choice in how you play Crysis, after the safer training areas, the maps get a bit wider and you've more options how you progress.

You can use stealth and ghost through, it takes time and skill but you dont have to confront people, you can assassinate your way through which uses a mixture of stealth and silenced firearms to pick people off as you go. You can run and gun and just start large firefights. You can use your suits abilities to outflank, and out maneuver your opponents, get to higher ground they cannot reach, you can go through the whole game throwing physics objects at people or colapsing buildings on their heads using strength mode to knock support beams out, or just go melee and punch enemies and throw them at each other. You can even snipe an entire base using the scope and silencer, as long as you only shoot people who cant be seen by other enemies, which means you have to observe patrol routes etc

The game is a large sandbox and you're given all these neat tools and abilities, and interesting scenarios to play in, simply put the gameplay is what you make of it, so far I've done all of the above and had a right laugh, colapsing buidlings onto unsuspecting Koreans is good fun :)

I can understand how some of you think the gameplay is bad, you're too used to having your hands held by the singleplayers of games like Half Life and CoD4 where you're on very linear path and theres little room for any real imagination on the players part, you just do what the story expects of you, don't get me wrong this is good in its own way because they can provide some really good cinematic experiences only really doable when the game takes control over your actions to a greater extent.
Yeah, except at the end of the day all it does is give you more choices as far as killing people goes. Definitely not worth spunking your keks over.
Gamespot just gave it a 9.5 and couldn't say enough good things about it:;title;1

This game is obviously now the standard bearer for at least how games should look and my congratulations (as well as my $50 for the game!) go out to Crytek.

I must admit, the only issue with this game is the computing power to play it well. What a shame that AMD and nVidia didn't have a next gen part to go with this game. What a great combo that could have been. Perhaps Crytek should have waited for next gen GPU before releasing this game, but then it might not have been as special technically because obviously games continue to look better and better all the time.

Well my weekend is planned. I hope you all enjoy!

Agreed. As many have said before, I already played the Crysis demo, more times, than many full games out there. It's a blast to play, it's a true next-gen title, in terms of graphics fidelity and it delivers everything that was promised. The only possible complaint I have with the demo, is the AI. It could've been a bit better. Still, it's pretty good and I have yet to see the AI working for the aliens. I can only guess they'll be quite a bit more challenging than the KPAs. There's no game out there, that can match its beauty and its gameplay elements. The amount of ways we can accomplish our objectives, is just mind blowing. Storyline is not original, but the setting and the aliens themselves, make it original. I liked what I saw in the demo, but I need more elements, to know if the story is very good. Either way, Crytek outdid themselves.

Besides Oblivion and Quake Wars, this will be the first game I'll pay full price for and I'll upgrade my system in the process too :)
I can understand how some of y<ou think the gameplay is bad, you're too used to having your hands held by the singleplayers of games like Half Life and CoD4 where you're on very linear path and theres little room for any real imagination on the players part, you just do what the story expects of you, don't get me wrong this is good in its own way because they can provide some really good cinematic experiences only really doable when the game takes control over your actions to a greater extent.

Exactly. I'm tired of linear gameplay. The last one I really enjoyed, was FEAR. Games like HL2 and its Episodes, Doom 3 or Call of Duty (among others), are more of the same. They have their moments, but they provided little to no replayability. I like to maximize the money I spend on the games I buy and without replayability, I can't do it. As any game that offers more freedom, there's still some linearity in the way we follow the story. However, we can reach the end of the story, in a multitude of ways, that definitely justify the purchase of the game IMO. Crysis offers this multitude of options, while providing the most beautiful visuals ever made for a game, reaching photo-realistic levels, that surpass even the most advanced graphics chip out there. Amazing work and I'll surely support Crytek for this wonderful game.
This is what a FPS IS ... mindless shooting :)
@ farcry comment.. farcry was relativly open as well. Didn't make it anymore fun than any other FPS.

It certainly did for me. Going through the path the developers selected for you to take, in games like HL2 or any other linear game, is not fun anymore. Technology allows for much more than that today and I expect it to be a "standard" in modern gaming. I want to be able to choose how I do things, instead of being guided through the whole thing. I only finished Far Cry once, but I played certain Far Cry levels dozens of times. I only finished HL2 or Doom 3 once and never played them again.
Crysis gives us what Far Cry did and much more and that is definitely what makes it even more appealing.
I prefer Crysis' non-linear "Get to the goal using your own imagination" type of gameplay, rathter than HL2's "Hop aboard the train" on-rails linearity. I've beaten HL2 + Both episodes (EP1 was terrible btw, EP2 was decent.) and the only one I really enjoyed, in terms of gameplay was the first game. EP1 & 2 were clearly created with an emphasis on story and not much else, which I felt took away from the gameplay.

I'm one of the few people that didn't really care for Farcry. I loved it's sandbox approach, but I felt there was another aspect of the game missing, and I could never put my finger on it. But after playing Crysis for the last 6 hours, I think what was missing was the destructable environments to go along with the huge locations

I don't think the AI in crysis is amazing by any means, but it isn't terrible either. Bioshock had some pretty good AI from what I remember, but Half-Life 2's AI is no better or worse than what I'm seeing in Crysis

Crysis runs at a playable framerate (25-40) on my system in DX10 mode, all very high settings minus Shaders/Post Processing/Physics which are set to high/high/medium, and the game is absolutely gorgeous to boot

Do I think Crysis is better than Half-Life 2? In terms of gameplay, most definitely. I'm having a lot more fun playing Crysis than I did HL2 or any of its episodes. HL2 did a better job of telling its story however (But I think Crysis' story has a pretty good plot in itself, just not executed to the extent that HL2 or Bioshock's was). However I think the latter 2 games were built from the ground up with a story already intact, and merely "wrapped" the game around it. Crysis clearly was an engine with a story added on later, which is fine because like I said, the gameplay is pretty amazing with all the different ways you can accomplish things, that I don't really mind the slightly above average plotline

At the end of the day, though, most FPS games despite having a storyline (whether it's intricate like Bioshock, or slightly convoluted like HL2, or perhaps a bit mundane like Crysis), you're generally not really thinking too much about the story unless you're watching a cutscene or cinematic. All you really care about through 90% of the game is killing shit, and IMO Crysis has the best overall gameplay of any FPS to date

just my two cents
You know, I won't be buying Crysis until sometime in December, but the demo amazed me. I thought gameplay was great. The part that really sold was on my second playthrough when I attacked some enemy soldiers at one uilding area and they reacted in a completely different manner than before. One of them jumped the fence but caught his foot and fell. That completely sold me on the game. I can't wait to buy it.

I know you can't judge a game by a demo, but from what the demo showed, it initially seemed to me be of similar caliber as HL2. And the reviews seem to support that impression.
I found it extremely boring and overhyped... Crysis does nothing innovative but push the hardware to its knee's. Graphics do not make the game... lame story and weird FPS mechanics killed it for me.

It just feels like FarCry... which was an OK fps but nothing special. Once you take away the graphics.... nothing innovative is left.

COD4 was alot more fun then Crysis.
Well I would stray far from calling it the BEST fps..I have been playing it and I just rescued the one hostage. I think I am about the 2.5-3rd level in
I am pretty bored most of the time. I mean i feel like I am playing Farcry but that game was alot more fun to me. So far I feel COD4 is a better game. I had VERY HIGH hopes for crysis and so far I am getting a big letdown.
Having played the demo, I must say I'm really underwhelmed by the game. Combat is repetitive and uninspired.. Another bugbear is the amateurish game engine and it's buggy nature. Shimmering graphics, dodgy pop-ups and shadows appearing and disappearing randomly. Pure crap. Crytek couldn't programme a bug free graphical engine if they tried.

Those that have played the leaked version say that none of these issues have been fixed. Terrible really that Crytek should release the game as broken as this. I'll play it when it's out and be glad when it's over, my PC will be glad too. I'm also sick of the shite performance with this game with a good to high end system (yeah berate me because I don't have 2 8800 GTX's in SLi)

Overrated once again by Gamespot, see Bioshock review too. The Internet will be inundated with hyperbolic reviews you can be sure (standards of reviews have really dropped, perhaps they need the hits) Most of these idiots wouldn't know a great game if it hit them between the eyes.