Crossfire 6950 CPU Bottleneck?


Oct 2, 2010
Hey there's a similar thread up but didnt want to hijack it on accident but here it goes...
I recently tried to run 2 6950's 2gbs oc'd on a 2560x1600 monitor...I tried running BFBC 2 maxed out (which i assume it could do) and I get pretty bad lag glitches, I've lowered it to med settings and it still lags...On 1 6950 2gb I can run it pretty smoothly on High..

I have a AMD 965 oc'd to 3.9...and 8 gbs of ram...

I'm assuming its a CPU bottleneck and all I can do is wait till bulldozer?

I have installed all the latest drivers, and catalyst, is there anything I can do to improve performance or actually utilize crossfire?
Sounds more like a crossfire issues it runs better on 1 card then too. Maybe check all your settings and what not. That cpu should have no problem pushing what you got, bulldozer would be a nice upgrade though.
Yeah Im thinking some kind of driver compatibility issue myself. An overclocked 965 is enough muscle to run Crossfire so you shouldnt be having any issues there. May want to check that youve got the latest drivers. One way to tell if its the cards is to take one out. If the lag and stuttering is gone, you know what the problem is.
Yeah Im thinking some kind of driver compatibility issue myself. An overclocked 965 is enough muscle to run Crossfire so you shouldnt be having any issues there. May want to check that youve got the latest drivers. One way to tell if its the cards is to take one out. If the lag and stuttering is gone, you know what the problem is.

As far as drivers for BFBC2, I was just playing it a few days ago on the newest catalyst 11.8 with crossfire 6970's and it worked fine. Like he said make sure you have the latest drivers and CF profiles. If you have more than 2 PCIe slots maybe try swtiching the cards to different configurations? How hot are they running?
Ok, im actually at work right now but ill run it later tonight when I get home, thanks for the feedback guys glad that I can hold off on a cpu upgrade...I did download the latest Drivers, and catalyst 11.8 tho, I running it on 2 pci-e 16x slots right now but ill go ahead and try to switch it to another slot to see if it helps...ill also try to uninstall and reinstall the drivers to see if that helps thanks a lot everyone really appreciate it
"On 1 6950 2gb I can run it pretty smoothly on High.."

I run Eyefinity 6040x1080. I had 2 6950's...and noticed one card running the game just as good or better than two. With xfire, the FPS was there, but it didnt feel anywhere near as smooth or fluid as with one card. Second card was sold long ago.

With enough CPU, a single 6950 is enough for BC2 at that res.
That 965 is no good for that kind of power. It's a bottleneck. I had AMD with just a GTX 460. Upgraded to Sandy, GTX 460 was 10-15 FPS faster.
I personally haven't experienced any strange issues with my 6950s in CrossFire in BC2, I average ~120 fps @ 5760x1080. Currently running with 11.8 drivers.