Creepy Flash Game

that is pretty creepy. cool though

kind of like The Ring + F.E.A.R. + Amityville horror
thanks for the linkage
Wow that's annoying.

The creator's English is horrible. I hope for their sake it's not their native language, because it was just depressing reading some of that.

You don't actually do anything. All you do is stare at the screen and wait for stuff to happen. There are like two or three clickable things in every room, and none of them do anything interesting. To make it even less interesting, everything that is supposed to be a surprise is heralded by music or some lame sound effect.

Oh no there's a shadow on the wall! And a decapitated kid! (how it is that a person "suicided" by decapitation is beyond me, but let's not get into that).

*shudder* The eyes in the portrait moved! I've NEVER seen that before!
