CPU @ 100% -- no clue why


Jan 27, 2006
Below is a screenshot of all my stuff running and Speedfan indicating CPU usage. The task manager agrees w/ Speedfan so it is accurate. This is a new-ish rig, but it's been running flawlessly until now. Things are really choppy as you can imagine and I'm just not sure why.

Yeah at first I thought FF hadn't closed properly so I ended it in the task manager but nothing changed. So then I restart and still nothing... I've noticed FF using up lots of resources ever since 1.5 came out. I've read up on virtual memory leaks and how FF is supposed to take up resources when you have multiple tabs open, but none of that should create this CPU problem IMO...
it's definitely a problem with firefox...it's taking up all extra cpu time in that screenshot. Any weird extensions you have installed? Any websites with weird flash on them? I've seen flash piss off firefox real good before. And of course have you done an antivirus and spyware scan?

Also, if firefox isn't open do you still have any problems?
Firefox ver

download manager tweak
image zoom
j2e whatever jave runtime environment
tab mix plus

Here is a screen shot w/o FF running... CPU usage still seems high to me but what do you think?

wow that's really bizarre...if you look at the individual processes there's only 28% load and 72% idle (system idle process) but speedfan (and the bottom of the task manager) report 68% load. That doesn't make any sense. wtf is HprSnap6.exe?
That's my screenshot program. It's called Hypersnap or something like that.
I also just finished checking every running process on the list... they all appear to check out OK and my antivirus/antispyware came up with nothing.

You didnt open a PDF file with firefox did you?

That combination of PDF's and FF is killer on this PC here. Sometimes I'll have to kill the FF task and the acroread process to return things to normal.
No... I know exactly what you're talking about though. FF almost freezes when opening a PDF. Usually I'll just leave it alone for a few seconds and it snaps out of it. But I haven't had any pdfs open during either screen shot.
Hrm man, I've got no good ideas then. FF has been very good to me (except for that Acrobat Reader thing). I hope you get a good solution.
Did you try uninstalling Firefox and reinstalling? It seems that FF was pissed at something or just erroring for some reason. It seems like then Windows is still trying to kill it and that is waht is jacking the processor up so high, it just isn't showing up on the list because it was killed. Thats all I can imagine it would be. Try that and see what happens. it definately seems like an FF error to me.
Unfortunately I'm at work right now, but when I get home I'm going to uninstall FF and then reinstall it. Hopefully that will sort this out. I'll post once I try that out later. Thanks for the comments by the way :)
You might want to ditch the snapshot program as well. Programs to make your desktop prettier ususally come with unwanted presents. Also, you might want to disable utorrent when you are not downloading something.
inzane123 said:
You might want to ditch the snapshot program as well. Programs to make your desktop prettier ususally come with unwanted presents. Also, you might want to disable utorrent when you are not downloading something.

Sorry I don't understand... what's wrong w/ screen capture programs? And utorrent was downloading (at least it should have been).
ok .. for some reason .. you have rundll32.exe running all the time ..

There's something that has been installed that you probably messed up by not restarting or you messed around with msconfig or regedit. I'm not sure what you did but it seems like that might be the problem you're having.

rundll32.exe could also be a worm..


so kill the process and see what happens ...

you might also wanna check in msconfig and see where it's running from or check your registry and see if you can spot where it's running from ...

Good luck
mohammedtaha said:
ok .. for some reason .. you have rundll32.exe running all the time ..

There's something that has been installed that you probably messed up by not restarting or you messed around with msconfig or regedit. I'm not sure what you did but it seems like that might be the problem you're having.

rundll32.exe could also be a worm..


so kill the process and see what happens ...

you might also wanna check in msconfig and see where it's running from or check your registry and see if you can spot where it's running from ...

Good luck

OK... I tracked down this stuff related to the rundll32 process (see pic). I'm not really sure if any of that stuff is suspicious or not.

Edit: I found on neuber.com someone mentioned if it's running non-stop it could be nVidia-related. I do have that nVidia sound/visual stuff running...
johnj189 said:
OK... I tracked down this stuff related to the rundll32 process (see pic). I'm not really sure if any of that stuff is suspicious or not.

Edit: I found on neuber.com someone mentioned if it's running non-stop it could be nVidia-related. I do have that nVidia sound/visual stuff running...

remove the drivers and reinstall them ... check if that clears it
i had the same problem. i ran Ad-aware and Sbybot, and it fixed the problem.
It's funny because I had that problem too, but ONLY when I visited hardforum! NOOO idea why, but it stopped on its own.