Cox says I used 973.41mb in half a month


Sep 9, 2002
Cox says I used 973.41mb in half a month

I posted my case pics to cool cases from my cox webmail space. I posted 2 pics in the actual post one was 192k and the other 185k.

The other 8 pics i posted links to, added up to 2,482k.

Will they give you a warning or something, because they don't cut off your bandwith or anything like that, it's supposed to be limited at 300mb of traffic a month.

But the thing is we've been with cox for over 4 years, and we've maybe used 20mbs of usage in all that time combined before now.

i can't believe they don't have a cap on that.
300 megs of traffic a month? Seriously? That doesn't sound right. I'm pretty sure I did more than that back when I was on dialup.
Well, if if people keep entering the cool cases thread and the pictures load, and then a bunch of people click on the linked pics, that could add up really fast.
Wow...300 MB/month...$5 a month will get you GB bandwidths and your own domain.

A friend of mine who used to do hosting had two options on his. You can do it the traditional way and pay for extra bandwidth at the end of the month if you go over, or the site can go down with an innocent-looking "site busy" page for the rest of the month.
Ill go through that much in a week easy. If cox kicks you move to Comcast they haven't said anything to me yet.
Originally posted by Stinger836
Ill go through that much in a week easy. If cox kicks you move to Comcast they haven't said anything to me yet.
haha.. havent been following any threads over at dslreports have you?

Comcast is hated by almost everyone right now for their 'invisible' caps shit their pulling...

But 300MB?? That cant be right? I use that in like an hour yet alone a month..
No no, don't go to Comcast, just THREATEN to go to Comcast. If American ISPs are anything like Canadian ones, they'll be grobbling at your feet in no time.
Cox & comcast aren't known for their customer service. Cox wasn't bad, in reality, but Comcast... ugh. If you're pegged as a high-usage customer they're not going to mind if the door hits you on the way out. It's the grannies who check email that they all want on their networks.
Originally posted by jpmkm
300 megs of traffic a month? Seriously? That doesn't sound right. I'm pretty sure I did more than that back when I was on dialup.

yeah, that definately does not sound right..... I am with UK's NTLworld, I am allowed to transfer up to 1GB a day ! I remember there was a big up-roar about NTL's sudden restriction at one point, I believe that has been removed now.... I dont transfer more than 2GB a month anyway, unless I am downloading a Linux ISO or something :)
Originally posted by RichardParry
yeah, that definately does not sound right..... I am with UK's NTLworld, I am allowed to transfer up to 1GB a day ! I remember there was a big up-roar about NTL's sudden restriction at one point, I believe that has been removed now.... I dont transfer more than 2GB a month anyway, unless I am downloading a Linux ISO or something :)
You my friend just lost your [H] badge... 2GB a month?? Pitifull... :p
In 9 days, 16 hours, 5 minutes and 6 seconds I have uploaded 1596MB and downloaded 1393MB. I can take a screeny if you guys would like. I know a lot of people hate them, but I haven't figured out why. They have been great here to me (KC, Missouri). I get good throughput and a lot of traffic, to date I haven't had Comcast complain to me at all.
Originally posted by Stinger836
In 9 days, 16 hours, 5 minutes and 6 seconds I have uploaded 1596MB and downloaded 1393MB. I can take a screeny if you guys would like. I know a lot of people hate them, but I haven't figured out why. They have been great here to me (KC, Missouri). I get good throughput and a lot of traffic, to date I haven't had Comcast complain to me at all.
They haven't complained because your bandwidth usage is not high... In fact compared to alot its quite small..

Thats what... max of 10gb a month? Nothing man... Most the people getting Disconnected are in the 70-80GB bracket..
Originally posted by Stinger836
In 9 days, 16 hours, 5 minutes and 6 seconds I have uploaded 1596MB and downloaded 1393MB. I can take a screeny if you guys would like. I know a lot of people hate them, but I haven't figured out why. They have been great here to me (KC, Missouri). I get good throughput and a lot of traffic, to date I haven't had Comcast complain to me at all.
That's probably about regular traffic for me. I didn't even know comcast was in kc. I thought it was all time warner.
I'd die with 300 MB transfers a month.

I do about 5 GB a day, and on peak days, about 10 GB a day (but rarely).
I believe he is taking about his provided web space not downloads on his computer. Which still isn't a lot but they probably just expect people to have pictures of their babies and other small stuff.

And back to comparing downloads I love Adelphia 3.5/384 and they have never said anything about my downloads or uploads and I have filled several HD's.
Originally posted by Stinger836
oops, in the above add another 1 lol. 11596MB and downloaded 11393MB
:D That's more like it!
Originally posted by Tron
I believe he is taking about his provided web space not downloads on his computer. Which still isn't a lot but they probably just expect people to have pictures of their babies and other small stuff.

And back to comparing downloads I love Adelphia 3.5/384 and they have never said anything about my downloads or uploads and I have filled several HD's.

Yes, thank you tron, lol.

I'm talking about web bandwith usage, NOT upload/download caps!

maybe we can get this discussion back on track.
Originally posted by jpmkm
That's probably about regular traffic for me. I didn't even know comcast was in kc. I thought it was all time warner.

Comcast is in Olathe & i think Blue Springs & maybe some other spots. In Olathe, they have a no compete clause so we are stuck w/ them. When Everest was expanding they hit Lenexa & Overland Park but could not enter here in Olathe.
Originally posted by hatecc
Yes, thank you tron, lol.

I'm talking about web bandwith usage, NOT upload/download caps!

maybe we can get this discussion back on track.

Ohh.. well geezs.. we were all way off (cant blame us though...)

Yea its defaintely possible.. I had some pics in a for sale thread here at [H].. It was on my old host with 5Gb transfer a month... I hit 6Gb within like two weeks...

Every time someone views that thread it loads the images... it adds up quick.
Originally posted by K1llaB
Comcast is in Olathe & i think Blue Springs & maybe some other spots. In Olathe, they have a no compete clause so we are stuck w/ them. When Everest was expanding they hit Lenexa & Overland Park but could not enter here in Olathe.
I said KC because I figured more people would know where that is but I am in Blue Springs actually.
Ohh.. well geezs.. we were all way off (cant blame us though...)

Sure we can, you didn't read his post correctly. It was pretty clear to me he was talking about his webspace.

As for the download and upload all you guys are talking about, that's pretty pitiful. On cox i've been downloading 200-300GB a month and uploading around a 100.
yeah well I dont think that pics posted in cool cases could use THAT much BW.....I posted 10 or so ~200-500k images in networking forum and in cool cases, and they have been up for a while now and only used about 100-150MB bandwidth i think a couple of 200k files in cool cases wouldnt use near that much bandwidth.....but thats just imho....
3MB goes quick and with a forum like the [H] it adds up real fast. I post pics for paintball gear on pbnation and we already used around 400MB and our files were way smaller.
I forgot about using my personal webspace for pictures on teh [H]... one month last summer i downloaded 200GB when I was on sympatico HSE.. and up about 50GB...

yeah.. but when people post pictures that are like 400k.. i think that's a bit big for a picture... 80-200k is a good size.. specially for those which are still on dialup like you.. (i don't feel your pain... i can download @ 350k a sec:))

[edit]imagine now.. i can download 3X that speed cuz i switched to rogers :)[/edit]