Costum server.. Which motherboard?


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2003
I've been planing for a long time now on buying a se-ipowerful server, however i couldn't afford
it before now.

My question comes to the selection of a motherboard, as i plan on buying
one machine with a p4 setup and one amd. So one Socket 468 and one Socket 754
motherboard is what i'm looking for. Are there ANY good motherboards designed
for server solutions to both these platforms? I don't need all that vga, sound, lan shit
built-in really, as i have hardware for it.

One is to act as a counter-strike game server, and in addition run a ut2004 ded server ..
both in linux..

The other is my playmate.. hosts a few websites, with pretty hard load sometimes in
the weekend, and it will function as my home router/firewall and the place i
store my most important projects files ..
Tyan is the way to go for server motherboards. They make both AMD and Intel boards, and are rock solid boards.
This is my home server. It is running 2003 Server with Active Directory, RADIUS and all my files.

Cool, i had a tyan dual athlon once.. old though..

Anywhere i can order tyan boards cheap, and have them shipped norway?
Scandinavia shop is prefered.