corsair dual channel kit - one stick failure?


Sep 30, 2007
hi all

new build, less than a week old.
P35-DS3R rev1.0
C2D E4400 on stock cooling
Corsair XMS2 2x1gb DDR2-800 [link]
full build list

had it up and running for maybe 3-4 hours a day last wed/thur, then about 14 hours on friday. everything seemed to run ok. went to shut down friday night, and the comp rebooted before it could finish the shut down process. would never make it past windows splash screen before rebooting again.
removed one stick, booted fine and everything seemed ok. ran memtest86 on each stick in each slot, good stick passes fine, bad stick fails badly. been running fine on the good stick almost all day sat/sun

new to system building, so i don't know much about voltages and timings etc. i'm running all stock settings in BIOS. heard the DS3R defaults mem voltage to 1.8v, but easytune5pro (direct from gigabyte's site) says its at 1.9v, corsair's recommendation for this ram.

going to RMA, should i stick with this memory or get something else? what, if any, settings should i change to keep this from happening again? maybe it was just a bad stick from the factory?

thanks in advance
Your settings should not have caused a module to fail. As with any electronic device, some times they simply fail. We'll be happy to replace the set for you. The TSX link below is the fastest way to get your RMA processed. Also, can you tell me what specific model of memory you have? Please provide ALL of the info from the heat spreader sticker.
Hi Mike, thanks for the help. I know all too well that things fail, just wanted to be sure it wasn't something I did as a newbie to screw it up.

I had planned to RMA with NewEgg, but if it will be faster to go direct through Corsair, I've no problem doing that. I'm still waiting on an RMA'd hard drive :rolleyes:

Ok, the sticker reads as follows:
1.90V ver5.2
1243171 07361054

here's a picture, in case i missed something or was unclear: link

Oh, and the UPC on the package says "TWIN2X2048-6400 G"
I'm not sure what the 'G' is, it wasn't listed as an option in the TSX.

Thanks again.
I don't recall what the "G" is but, customer service can or RAM GUY can if you want to ask at the forum. Either method of RMA should be fast. The big thing is if it is in stock when your RMA is processed. But, that is a very popular item so both Corsair and Newegg should be keeping plenty on hand.