copying encryption key data to another computer?


Limp Gawd
Aug 12, 2002
i recently moved into a new apartment where the only "broadband" available is a sucky wireless connection. when i moved in, a guy from the ISP had to come in and set up the wep encryption key for me... i asked him if he could write down the key for me becuase i tend to reformat quite often, but he said no, because they arent smart enough to setup a login system and the wep encryption is how they keep people out.

well, i really would like to reformat my computer, but i dont want to call up the isp and make an appointment for this guy to come out again and put in the key. so to you, i ask this: is there any files or registry settings that i could copy over to a new installation of windows xp to give it net access?
Well I wasn't able to find info where it would be in google. What I would do is add another key with out removing the old one, and then run a registry search. This is border line on the rules of the forum, imho. If its encrypted, don't think anyone would help ya here.
Since it's the ISPs network and they are using WEP as their "security" method, then no one is going to help since it's *very* borderline on the rules.

Check into the possiblity of using a hardware AP as the "client", in that configuration you won't need to contact the ISP when you reformat.

On another note, there isn't any reason why the ISP can't setup a login based system unless they are running a very *small* ISP using off the shelf hardware.
i guess ill get that AP.... i hate having to call these people up and make an appointment to do something it would only take me 10 seconds to do.
pentup said:
i guess ill get that AP.... i hate having to call these people up and make an appointment to do something it would only take me 10 seconds to do.

Personally, I'd tell them I was doing some system testing or something and make them come back like 10 times in a week. Eventually they'll just give it to you. ;)