copy of c:\ showing as F:\


Apr 6, 2008
I have a little problem. I upgraded my hard drive, using DriveImage XML.
While in the process of upgrading i must have made some changes to the registry.
My original hard drive had 3 partitions (C, D, and E). the new hard drive still has 3 partitions but Windows shows a forth partition F:\ which is a duplicate of the C:\ drive.
Anything done on the C:\ drive shows up on the F:\ drive and vice versa.

Storage Management shows only 3 partitions. I have tried using Multi- Remote Registry Change v4 to replace any thing in the registry containing F:\ to C:\, but after a reboot the F:\ drive is still there.

For some reason F:\ is showing up as the boot drive. which just gave me an idea.
I am going to try in run fixmbr to see if that works.

Has anyone run into anything like this before? Any Ideas how to get rid of the F:\ drive?