copy a folder to the root of c: at logon...


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
I want to create a script that will copy a folder on the server say \\server\735 to the local users machine.

I have it set so the users cannot access the C: drive.... so it would have to have some sorta admin permission thing attached to it, in order for it to work...

also... create a shortcut to the .exe in that folder on their desktop... thanx again

QwertyJuan said:
also... create a shortcut to the .exe in that folder on their desktop... thanx again


you can share the folder on the network and then setup a script to map the folder when the user logs on.
I know I can do a map, but this particular app(a 15yr old DOS one) won't work off of a mapped drive.... it will ONLY work from the root of c:


P.S. Thanks for replying though :)
md directory "This is creating the directory you want the files to be copied to"
xcopy /s \\server\share\folder C:\directory\ "This will copy everything in the folder you want to copy from into the folder you just created with the md command" The last \ after directory will keep the batch file from prompting so make sure you have it in there
C:\directory\file.exe this will execute the file you want to run
save as a .bat
I know how to do that also... but the users cannot copy anything to their c: drives... there needs to be some sorta admin thing I think...
