Contacts Program?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 29, 2005
Ok, i work in a service related industry and have hundreds of clents that i want to keep up to date information on. Name, address, phone ect. I need to be able to quickly enter any new information at the end of the work day.
What program does everyone recommend?
One would think Outlook is, was, and will always be the king of the hill for such purposes simply because of all it can offer for people including the contact management abilities. There are others, like Act!, but when it comes to the most widespread and compatible application there is, that's gotta be Outlook.

I'd say check out both products, and any others you can locate and see which one suits your needs best.
I'm going to go with Joe's recommendation with Outlook. Outlook contact is very portable too. You could email individual or groups of contact from one Outlook to another easily.
yeah. will have to look at it again....need to customize the entry tabs so it flows faster.
What about using Excel?
With Outlook contacts. Can you write notes for each contact? Such as came there on this day, charged this much blah blah?

I've been meaning to find a solution that the OP is looking for. In mean time I've been using an old fashioned organizer, pen and paper. :c)
I've used Act!... While it is a good, centralized location for contacts...

You could share a Contacts folder on an Exchange server and do the same thing.

Outlook is used by almost everyone (Especially in business), and sending Vcards/Outlook cards almost guarantees the other party can open it.