confused.. cant access files?


May 17, 2006
hey guys, i cant seem to figure this out.

for some reason, using the main PC, I can access one of the drives (C), but can't access the second drive on there, although I can see the parent directory, I can't seem to access anything below that. in some cases, i can access more than one directory deep, but usually i can just see the first level of folders. it's hit or miss for which folders i can reach, but it seriously sucks!

all the computers have xp sp2 32bit

here's some pics..

To me, it seems that your network isnt connected properly, although its showing you the drive to whatever, it isnt connected and thats why your getting the drive isnt accessible error.

try and restore/fix your network, as I have had that error loads of times and 99% of the time it ends up as being the main pc isnt hooked up to the other pc or vice versa, kinda like the network settings have deleted themselves or another time it used to happen with me was, if I turned on the main pc before I turned on the other pc's I would get that error, I would have to turn the other pc's on first and then wait for them to boot before I turned on the main pc then it would connect to the other pc's properly and the network would be good to use, if I didnt do it like that then the network wouldnt work.
Make sure you've double checked the file permissions if you have simple file sharing disabled but you shouldn't be using simple file sharing when you share the Root of a drive.
Make sure you've double checked the file permissions if you have simple file sharing disabled but you shouldn't be using simple file sharing when you share the Root of a drive.

What should I be using?