Configuring Windows 2000 Server for HL, need help


Nov 11, 2001
Hey guys,

Hoping you network guru's can help me. I've been recruited by my friends to try and figure out what is up with our server. We currently have our own dedicated server being run from Server Beach, it's Windows 2000 Server edition. I was poking around on it, and some of the obvious things are the fact that it could use a Windows Update, and the fact that it is running a good deal of services half of which it probably doesn't even need.

We are going to be using this for starters as a HL-Day of Defeat server. The major complaint is that when we run HLDS the pings are outrageous on the server, and we are trying to troubleshoot that. Can you guys point me in several directions that will be able to help us bring the pings down? I need to get this done ASAP so any advice would be good advice pretty much. :)

If you want any other information, I'll be glad to give it to you, but all I know is that it is a Windows 2000 Server box with AMD Athlon XP 3000+ and a gig or more of memory...

Thanks in advanced!

Well your hardware specs are definately up too the job so even if it is slightly 'non' tweaked with excess services it should affect your pings that much.

The problem may very well be with the datacenter its hosted in. Have you had them have a look first? Might save you some time.

What connection is it on? What Player limit is your server set at?

Does it do mail,web etc as well? Anything but HLDS running as a daemon?
Sorry Skitlz, don't have the most info right now...

Connection: 700MBps
Players: 30
Mail / Web / Etc: No, currently we just want this to run HL for the time being...
Programs as Daemon: Not quite following, as far as I know the only program that was running at the time was HLDS...

Information for our plan from Server Beach can be obtained here:

Ours is the Power 3000. We need to figure out if it's HLDS that is causing the issue, or if it's in fact the Windows 2000 Server. I am really really really hoping you guys can help us out here. :(
type of connection and tracert first off. The specs of the system have little to do with pings.
Originally posted by Punkrulz
Sorry Skitlz, don't have the most info right now...

Connection: 700MBps
Players: 30
Mail / Web / Etc: No, currently we just want this to run HL for the time being...
Programs as Daemon: Not quite following, as far as I know the only program that was running at the time was HLDS...

Information for our plan from Server Beach can be obtained here:

Ours is the Power 3000. We need to figure out if it's HLDS that is causing the issue, or if it's in fact the Windows 2000 Server. I am really really really hoping you guys can help us out here. :(

If you can give us the server IP we might be able to look a little closer for you. Like ^ mentioned, the hardware specs arent going to have a affect on the pings here....

I'd be willing to bet its more your datacenter's problem than your own config, but we dont know enough...
Originally posted by Punkrulz

Well I don't see any problems. Are your lagg problems constant? at certin times? only for certain people?
The lag only occurs through the Half-Life server. We can all ping the server itself phenominally, but when we try to ping the Day of Defeat server, and are inside of the game, the pings are spurratic, and 3x what they should be...

We think it's either HLDS, or perhaps something on Server Beach's side.
first i think 700Kb is too low to be hosting 30 players. you need to cut that down to say 20 is people. I fthey are connecting for the internet. Second have you tried HL boost for some other ping booster. They are suppose to work well. update your nic drivers to the lastest manufacture's driver as well. checking the usal things. what kins of cables you using? home made...ect. how is your interbet connection throgh a switch/router?
700mb/s not 700kb/s. from what I read, you didnt mention if this has always happened or if it just happened. if it just happened, I'd say it has something to do with something in HLDS, OR someone pushed a wrong button at the datacenter,
Originally posted by the-one1
700mb/s not 700kb/s. from what I read, you didnt mention if this has always happened or if it just happened. if it just happened, I'd say it has something to do with something in HLDS, OR someone pushed a wrong button at the datacenter,

And the fact that Valve's programmers suck too =\
Definitly get HLDS PingBooster, works quite well. Also, check the protocols on the NIC, and get rid of QoS.

In your hlds config files, check your sv_minrate and sv_maxrate settings. If you're not quite sure how they should be set, google it, there are quite a few guides out there.

Hope that points you in the right direction...