Compatable issues with MS Office/Word?

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Limp Gawd
Jan 21, 2005
I have been using Ability Write Office for my word processing program. I can open & view a M$ Word document with no known problem. If I compose a document, when it is viewed on 'Word', the spell checker is either disabled, or it just can't see misspelled words. Ability Write's tech suuport confirms this. There were a few other 'quirks' with Ability that I wasn't really happy about, but worked around them, But a number of pluses (not M$ and smaller).

Now I am trying 'Open Office' (which I tried before many years ago) and to my surprise the same thing is happening.

Any input here?

BTW; The only M$ product I use is the O/S. Nothing else, so don't even suggest using Office.
If you don't use word, does it really matter?

I have used open office, but never opened the doc in word after saving it so i'm not to sure about this, what version of word are you using.
Why would you think people would help you after typing "M$" over and over? This might be a blatant thread crap but I don't care, you are completely ignorant of the issue you are experiencing. You don't want to spend money for the product that works as you want, and every free alternative you have found doesn't do it right, and yet you continue to insult or negatively refer to the company that makes the product that does what you need.

Good luck finding help on this problem, there's no way I'd assist someone being this ignorant for no good reason. Developed by Microsoft doesn't mean it's bad, and being open-source doesn't mean something is good. Look beyond the hype and write like an intelligent person and I'll gladly provide some assistance.

EDIT: Also, how much is your time worth on an issue like this? Office doesn't cost that much in the long run and if you are trying to work with others who are complaining about the issues your cheap alternatives are providing then continually finding workarounds is far more expensive than going with what works. In business, those "quirks" you talk about probably amounted to far more money lost than would have been spent on getting the right product and using it.

Why would you think people would help you after typing "M$" over and over?
1. If you have nothing constructive to say, MYOFB.
2. I'll type it as many times as I see fit. I have little use for any large corporation especially ones that go out of their way to squeeze out any compition.
you continue to insult or negatively refer to the company that makes the product that does what you need.
Those other products do what I need, I'm only asking for people like you who think M$'s software has no flaws. How many micro viruses have attacket Office related programs??
there's no way I'd assist someone being this ignorant for no good reason.
Then why are you typing your useless comments?

Tell me, you got their flag out in front of your house?
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