Colocation for cheap, plz help

Nov 2, 2008
Hello [H],

my friend is paying a bit for 2 lenode servers and wants to move on to the next step, colocation. Not really sure what the average cost is for a 4u-5u rack space, kinda hoping for something around 200-250$ and in central california. LA and Frisco would be ok. Anybody here had any experience in doing this. I wouldnt mind getting hints, help, or advice; such as how to avoid hidden costs (like providing my own switch). What are some of you paying for this? currently my friend is rockin sat internet, so basically he isnt even true broadband. He has 3 servers to put into a colocation, 2-1u and 1-2u.

Check out some of the tips and questions answered there.
Then check out the offers section and see what is available. Probably won't be able to get 4-5U for that budget. Seems like colo goes for (on the low end) $80 per U. Datacenters may also charge more for power (usually 1A is included), and most should provide network drops for your servers, though if you need some custom config, then you'd probably pay extra. You'll also want to figure out how much bandwidth you need. It'll probably be shared amongst all of the servers.