

Aug 18, 2004
I am currently undergoing that splendid process of applying to colleges. One problem I am having is that I am really not sure where to major. Right now, I plan in going into Networking stuffs, I really enjoy networking security. With this in mind, I am considering an Air Force ROTC under the communications systems, the equivilant of a network/systems analyst. Is Computer Science the right route i should be taking? Any other suggestions? It seems that most networking/security oriented fields aren't so much majors as they are certification programs.

Orrr am i going the complete wrong way about this?
You probably want to major in what I am majoring in, which Is MIS. Managment and Information Systems. It deals with networks, basic programming, computers, hardware, etc etc.

You should come to U of Arizona as well, Eller (The Business College, which MIS is a major in) is ranked 4th in the nation.
Are you looking at trade schools or are universities? A Computer Science degree seems to me like its a lot more background and theory, as opposed to current tech. Sure some current tech is involved, but you would probably get certificates at a trade school. Computer Science is really just a general thing, and whatever specializations / focuses the college offers is what you have available. My university offers specializations in AI, Systems Architecture, Networking/Distributed Systems/Security, and another thing or two. If you want to get into networking you will probably need certs wherever you go, though somebody whos in the industry is welcome to correct me on that. From what I've seen of people graduating around me, the thing that helps most in the field isn't really a degree or certification that you hold, but the experience you have had. Wherever you go try to get an internship at a company that does work in the field you are interested in, or try to join some research project, etc.
I'm just going to link to a couple of undergrad degree programs in the CS program at my school since they do a good job of explaining what the degree field is for. Have a read and look for similar write ups at whatever schools you are looking at.

B.S. in Network Technology

B.S. in Information Assurance and Security Engineering

B.S. in Information Systems

And here are the rest of the programs:

EDIT: And for the record, around here the Networking programs aren't cert styled. It's a great deal of theory along with a bit of hands on.