Cold Calling or Job Sites?

Job Huting- Cold Calling or Job Sites?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 9, 2004
So to make a very long story short....
A good friend of mine in the IT field is going to be losing his job in April due the company going out of business. He has not applied for a job in years but he has a great resume and tuns of experience. With everyone's experience in IT job hunting.
Do you think its better to cold call companies? Or
Start hitting the Job Websites??
neither, submit a resume with a good cover letter in person, or know someone.
neither, submit a resume with a good cover letter in person, or know someone.

Its hard to know everything, i think job sites are good. But sometimes it better to call and ask if they have any openings. Because not all combines use job boards.
Does anyone have good links that will help him with a Cover Letter and possible update of resume
I hate cold calls, I will most likely just hang up. Where is your friend located?
Need option C..."Neither".

Todays job economy is tough, gotta know someone, read the classifieds, submit good resumes, and talk to people. Kajillions of applications per job you need an edge. Knowing someone is key.
Need option C..."Neither".

Todays job economy is tough, gotta know someone, read the classifieds, submit good resumes, and talk to people. Kajillions of applications per job you need an edge. Knowing someone is key.

this goes back to... Who you know not what you know
which sucks for most