CLI Spyware scanner?


Sep 14, 2001
I work as tech support for the residence hall I live in, and that means I have to provide support for 550 residents. Having to go to each person that calls and clean out all of the spyware and viruses is getting rather tiring, so I'm looking for an automated solution.

What I've come up with, is a BartPE CD that will work as an either/or solution:
1.) If the computer has boot-off-cd support in the bios turned on, it will boot into the BartPE environment and run an automated virus scan and spyware scan all, drop a .cmd file in the start-up folder in start menu of all users that will run all of the blaster/sasser/etc MS patches (due to liability I can't do SP2, long story) then delete itself (which I will VERY THOROUGHLY test before actually releasing a CD), and pop up a web page showing how to turn on the windows firewall.
2.) If the computer doesn't have boot-off-cd turned on, it will auto-run a .cmd file that will do basically the same thing, just from Windows. This probably won't work as well due to protected files and such, but, eh, it's something.

The problem is, I'm not sure if command line spyware scanners even exist. I see plenty of corporate ones, but none that are CLI. For virus scan it's simple, McAfee's CLI scanner that's freeware too, but I haven't found any spyware ones. Anyone have any ideas?
I like that idea (you getting paid for that )
I do what you do on the side ,at night ,and
on weekends.And it costs $100.00 for me
to walk threw your door!.And I have to take my
phone off the hook,cause I can't handle the string
of calls. I swear I'd leave my fulltime job just for
spyware calls .But I've been with Boeing now for
20 years .lol

What about incorporate something like Stinger or something
along that line (thing is alot of scanners and such ) fight each
other . has command lines ;

the parameters are displayed when passing STINGER.EXE the /? switch:
/ADL - Scan all local drives.
/GO - Start scanning immediately.
/LOG - Save the log file after scans.
/SILENT - Do not display graphical interface.

somebody else was talking about it here,but I forget what forum it was ?

See thats the only problem ,nobody's system is as clean as your
And it's time consuming cleaning out these PC's ,I don't no how these people
get off the beaten trail somtimes ? I'am going to go look if I can find that ,cause
pretty much had the same idea about slipstreaming it .
Instead of stinger I use the mcafee command line scanner, with the commands of /ADL /ALL /CLEAN /WINMEM so that it will, hopefully, clean in any situation.
I just need to find a anti-spyware program that will allow the same options... and it has to be a good anti-spyware program too. Hmm, maybe Spybot or Ad-Aware save settings to a .ini or equivilent file...