CLI software which does a copy/compare/sync?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 3, 2001
Is there a Windows command-line utility that can be run which will compare the existence of files & folders (dates, sizes, newer/older) between two different directory structures and keep them in sync? Different mechanisms like Windows copy, FTP, SFTP, etc a plus.

I use a program called Second Copy which does this with a gui, but I need something that can be setup to run once from a command line, make the compare, and copy/sync appropriately. I want to use it in conjunction with a program called Dirmon2 which can monitor a folder for new files and execute a command or batch file on the contents. The biggest benefit is Dirmon2 can wait until a file stops growing so that it is done before the attempted copy. But Dirmon2 doesn't do the syncing itself.