Cisco ASA 5505 reset


Jun 28, 2010
We're closing down one of our offices and will be selling off the unused equipment. We have a ASA5505 that we initially bought with a 50 user license. About a year ago we upgrade to a unlimited user license. I would like to wipe out all our information before I look to get rid of it. If I do a factory reset is it going to wipe out the license upgrade? Or should I just delete all our configurations out of it and let it go?

I had thought about just bringing it home and using it there but it seems like overkill for my household needs.
the factory reset command will just wipe the configuration, not the active license key
I was hoping that I could reset it and keep the license configuration. That makes things a lot easier for me.

I am looking to get rid of it as soon as I wipe it. It's doing nothing but collecting dust on my desk at the moment.