Cisco 2948G


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2010
Hey guys,

Sometime ago, I acquired two Cisco Catalyst 2948G (L2?) switches. Mind you, I have no prior experience with using Cisco products, but they seem to be working well. They've booted fine and from a PuTTY terminal - all the ports/hardware seem to be okay.

My questions are:
1 - Is it advisable to use these switches in a basic home lab?
2 - How critical are CatOS/IOS upgrades (I think these are CatOS? :eek:)
3 - Are these switches dependent on any other devices (such as a Cisco router?)
4 - Can these be configured via web-browser? (I know some of you are going "lolwut?" right now.)

I know these are probably n00bish questions, but I can't wrap my head around what I can do with these. Most of the info online refers to the L3 version, and even then it's still confusing.
CatOS will not help you with the CCNA, it is IOS only. There are no IOS upgrades for the 2948 series. The only CatOS devices that could ever be upgraded to IOS were the 6500 supervisors.
Thanks Cymon - but I wasn't going to use these for any CCNA related activities, more as a general lab switch (replacing my current cheap-o 8-port switch).
If you need a switch, it's okay, I guess. If you want to learn Cisco products, it's practically useless.