CIS in Michigan (where to go?)


Jul 31, 2001
I'm now taking my fourth term at my community college working to get a lot of the basic classes out of the way before I head off to a big university (was initially thinking computer engineering at MSU). Lately, I have been having second thoughts about computer engineering and have been thinking more about CIS as a field that I would like to go into. I have always been interested in the networking side of things (and choosing hardware, etc), and I believe that there would be more opportunites (correct me if I'm wrong) as opposed to computer engineering. Does anyone have any thoughts on the situation, and any reccomendations for a good college in Michigan (or any career advice from personal experience?)

Thanks (very much) in advance.
Each program can be different. Look at the different programs and what collegs (divisions inside the university) they are in. I went to school for Computer Science and it was in the Math College. The equivalent to CIS there was taught in the Business College. Some computer science programs are based in the Engineering college. What area they are based in makes a big difference in the way the programs are structured and what you get out of them.

If you want to do networking, it really won't matter what you do in school coursework. What is going to matter is the decisions you make on your career path. Any Science or Computer related degree will get your foot in the door, but chances are very good you will be spending a few years doing something that is not networking until opportunities in that area come up. I spent almost 5 years at my job doing project management before the perfect technical job came up for me and I moved into it. Not saying this is the case for everyone, but it is common. Don't get discouraged if that's what it takes. Ultimately you will get where you want to go.