choppy dvd viewing


Jun 7, 2004
my aunt just picked up a older lappy... compaq 1925/celeron400mhz/196mb

not flashy at all but it's primary use is for minor stuff. i DID come w/ a dvd drive. i installed win2k and powerdvd on there. problem is that all dvd's played are VERY choppy (video and audio). is this a software issue or hardware issue? would some other dvd palyer other than power dvd be useful?

Make sure the DVD drive has DMA enabled. That will cause choppyness if its not.
its a hardware, i even tried on my 500mhz, it always uses 100% cpu and its always choopy
well, it previously had WinME on there and played the dvd's fine. i THINK it had an older version of powerdvd on there. i'm gonna try an older version of WinDVD or PowerDVD and give that a shot... i'll post me results afterward.
Does it have InterActual player on there at all? A lot of DVD's try to make you install it for some reason. Anyway, that player wreaks havoc on HP/Compaq DVD drives and software for some reason. Took me hours on the phone with HP tech support to get them to tell me this about my lappy, of course...

Let me know if it does, and I'll tell you how to fix it.
I had a similar problem on my laptop. Mine is much faster being a 2.0Ghz P4 mobile, and I fixed the problem by using different software. PowerDVD gave me problems while WinDVD worked fine.