Choosing HDDs for a RAID 0


Feb 16, 2010
I'm considering drives from Seagate and WD and maybe Samsung for a 2x500GB RAID 0.
Whch ones should I get?

WD Caviar Blue
WD Caviar Green (I think these doesn't work well in RAID)
WD Caviar Black
Seagate 7200.12
Seagate LP
any other?

I'm not considering more expensive disks like WD RE3, Velociraptor, etc.

Is WD Black too loud?
Are those 3 WDs not recommended for a RAID? (I think have read that)
Is Seagate reliable? Since the LP and 7200.12 speed is similar, which is better?
WD Green drives work in RAID 0 and 1. I am currently running green drives in both of those situations. They have been in RAID for around 4 months now, and I have not had any issues. This is however, on build in RAID from the motherboard.
I've been running the WD Caviar Black for several months now. They have been great. Loud? I can't hear nothing over these fans...:D :(