Checking hundreds of email addresses to see if they come back undeliverable?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19858
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Deleted member 19858

I know how to check single email addresses to if it comes back undeliverable. I have a list of email addresses from people who subscribe to my website but I would like to process them all and see if they are still active or come back undeliverable to clean up the database. Dose anyone know of a tool that will do this or an easy way to do it.
no clue on how to do that. it seems like an expereinced spammer might now.

i dont know how you could send out hundred of emails other than CC them or having a mailing list program.

although, even if you do managed to send out all the emails, you might get undelieverable for emails accounts but you might not get anything back from legit emails where users dont check it anymore. i know that spammers often insert a 1 pixel x1 pixel transparent gif so that if the user clicks on the email, it wiill download the image from a server and log the request. so that would mean the account is active.
Prospect Verifier can do it, we use it here.
This IS a spammer tool, but can also be used for good instead of evil- sort of like a handgun. Myself, I feel dirty just reccomending it. One thing to look out for- if this company goes under, then any reinstalls will fail as it counts on them being live in order to process the license key.

Edit: Another option is to send out a new opt-in to your list to all the names- the people who opt back in can click on a link to reply - not only will you purge the dead addys, but also allow the ones who are not interested in continuing to receive mails to opt out by not doing anything at all. Then take all the replies into (for example) Outlook express, shove them into a new folder, and then rip all the addys out of that OE .dbx with a program like dbxextractor. Yoyu will end up with a clean double opt-in .txt file of all the people who want to get your email broadcast.
Well, in outlook when you create a new message, click on options and you can request a delivery reciept.