Cheapest, easiest way to deploy a standard image


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 18, 2000
Hey all, this has been discussed in the past, but what is the easiest/cheapest way to deploy a standard image of an install with some programs?

I know Acronis has a solution called Snap Deploy but its a cost per machine.

I have a File Server running DHCP for my client machines. I know MS has the WDS solution but that requires the server to run AD, DNS, etc, and I want something easier for my client machines, dont want to change the infrastructure around.

I know I can boot off one of my Universal Restore disks from Acronis and restore an image that way but want something easier =)

Any input?
use the OPK tools and capture an image with whatever software you want to use. run sysprep and generate a new SID. then use ghost, acronis, or whatever you want really to reimage the drives of the other workstations.

You asked for the cheapest/easiest, not the best, I'd still recommend WDS or RIS.
@OP, any chance you can provide more info? Is it just one PC? Which OS are you trying to image? Is it a stand alone or will it be networked?

@Berg0, i completely agree abotu running sysprep for SSID generation as well as multi hardware deployment. As for ghost and acronis though, I'd probably disagree just because of the need for licensing. ImageX and WinPE are a great free combo which support over the network deployment out of the box on an AD domain or via SMS and are very easy to automate via answer file to "simplify the already simple" as the OP requests.

I've lead a 5000 PC XP migration and a 4000 PC Vista migration so feel free to PM.
look at CloneZilla. Works just like old versions of ghost. a local city government uses it for imaging machines over the network just dandy.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
what happens is i have to load XP, all the service packs, Office, few other programs on different hardware for different reasons few times a week. not painful but wouldn't mind something that works.

universal restore from acronis sometimes works, other times it doesn't