Cheap AMD Solutions


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
I need to build my bro a new computer. He does little gaming, surfs the internet, does homework, just all the things a 12yr old does. Im looking for something not expensive. I already have a 40mb HD, a monitor, and a case, but i need everything else. So if you all could put something decent together without being real expensive i would appreciate it. I think ill set budget to $500 and if you could do it cheaper and still make it decent that would be awsome
well, i can give u an outline for what to get... u can newegg the stuff urself.

Mobo - get an nforce 2 with onboard gfx (if he doesnt do any major gaming this should be fine, and these boards all have agp 8x slots, so u can upgrade later if necessary). Some boards have soundstorm audio, which is high end onboard audio. This is something else u want to consider.

Proc - I would recomend a Athlon XP 2500 or one of the mobile chips (2400, 2500) due to their recent popularity. If u want to OC either of these chips then a better heatsink/fan might be necessary.

Ram - depends on if your gonna over clock or not. crucial, kingston, corsair, muskin are always good choices. you are probably going to want to get ddr 400 (pc 3200) regardless of if your gonna OC or not.

Speakers - if u want to keep it cheap and get 5.1 audio, then the logitch z640's should be a good choice.

Optical drives - Your preference, cdrom, cdrw, dvd? one, or two, i would say that you should pick the optical drive last, just to save $ on it. I like samsung drives, but lite-on seems to be ok for the money. This is really up to you.

Keyboard/Mouse - I love my Logitech Cordless MX duo, but it will prolly b to expensve for this. Might as well just get a generic keyboard and some kind of optical mouse.

Floppy- You probaly dont need one, but if u want one then go for it.

this shouldnt run more than 500.

also, does your case have a powersupply?
If you go nforce2 then make sure its a "400" type, not the 150 or 200's.