Changing Wireless connection to Direct connection...HOW??

KillRoy X

Aug 15, 2004
Little comlex, but I'll make it simple. Basically I'm trying to temporarily disconnect my Wireless connection and go direct to Internet. To me it sounded like a simple idea until I tried it.

I have a Netgear 811.b. Computer is running SP2. I simply disconnected the ethernet from the router and went directly into the back of my computer. However, it's not connecting to the internet.

I'm sure I have to make a change to the Network connection. I have tried a bunch of stuff, but haven't been sucessful.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? I'm basically doing this to host a gaming server. With the Router I cannot do this.

Any help would be appreciated.
What kind of game server. You should be able to host a game server through a router with port forwarding. I do it frequently. to me Darkstar! I'm pretty much a wireless/router idiot, so me not heard of this thing called Port Forwarding.

Heck, I would like to Host UT2004, Serious Sam Second Encounter, Doom III, Half-Life 2...any FPS.

Since I've gotten this router, can't do any of it, but I haven't done a port forwarding.

Is this an easy thing to do? Man if I could do this I would be estatic!
Ya, you can, I probably have the same router as you. I believe I have this one .
I am at work right now, so I can't look at the exact configuration screens for the router. However, there should be a tab on the web config page, and it may just be called port forwarding.
Here is what you need to do:
1. I recommend assigning an IP from your dhcp pool in your router to your server box, so that it doesn't change for some reason.
2. Find out what port the server service of the game you want to host uses. UT requires a range of ports. There are usually tutorials on webpages for the games that will give you these ports.
3. Go to your "port forwarding" page in your router, and tell it the IP of your server, and the port you want it to forward on. So if your box is, and game requires ports 5001-5004 open, these are your values to enter.
4. Some games, such as UT, require a change in the server config files. For example, UT2k4 requires that you change the value of ServerBehindNat (i think thats what its called) to =True. There is a UT2k4 server administrator website that can show you how to do this.
5. People connecting directly to your server may need to put the port number on the end. So if you call up your friends for a game, and they want to directly connect to your server without looking it up in a directory of games, they may have to enter your external IP (the one your ISP provides, check your router to get this) with the port number at the end, such as
Thanks for the information Darkstar! Doesn't seem that easy , but it beat not doing anything. I'll give it a go!
It actually isn't that bad. I just checked my router's config page, and the page you want is indeed called port forwarding. All you need to do is provide it with a range of ports, and the server's internal IP.