Changing names of Optical drives


Limp Gawd
Aug 23, 2002
I want to be able to change what it says for the optical drives...

IE. DVD-RW Drive and CD-RW Drive how do i do that?
To the best of my knowledge, you can't. Maybe if you tell us what it is you're trying to do, or why....we could suggest something.
yea sure...

I'm just anal about desktop, appeareance as much as performance, with my current settings, unlesss my icon spacing is 60 Horizontal, DVD-RW Drive (X:) would be shown on 2 lines.

Which ofcourse is what i do NOT want...

Here's an example.
I was going to say it could be done because I used to do it. But when I tried to figure out how I could do it I drew a blank.

On the way to work I remembered. :p

I have a toolbar on the right side of my screen with all my drives on it. I used to put shortcuts to my optical drives there and I renamed them Plextor, Pioneer etc. and that's how I got around the renaming thing.
this is in My computer... if i were to do what you suggested i would have to put shortcuts using the registry and take out the drives so its not showing?

i don't understand. please clarify

His explanation is for making shortcuts on a toolbar on on your desktop. It will not change the drive names, as you want. I did more searching, and I still don't think it's possible.
My explanation was a work around I used, not a solution to the original problem. And unless there's some registry hack for it, I doubt there's a way to change the name of your optical drives.

EDIT: Google for the win!

Reghack here:

I have not tried it and only skimmed the post, so try at your own risk.