Changing keyboard layout from DOS


Jun 8, 2002
Hello my friends

I have a client running Windows XP with a portuguese keyboard but he has an accounting program that runs on DOS mode with the keyboard set up to english (otherwise it gets all screwed up).

Is there a way to change the keyboard layout to english and then back to portuguese via a DOS command?

That way i could include those commands on a Batch (BAT) file, something like this:

-change keyb to english
-change keyb to portuguese

Any ideas?
So i've been searching thru Google and apparently I should use the DOS command "KEYB" but i cant find it on my hard drive.
Running Windows XP SP2.
The 'keyb' command followed by a layout code was indeed the way to set your layout back in the DOS days.
XP however doesn't have 'true' DOS anymore, what it has is a DOS style command prompt with basic DOS commands but not the full DOS functionality.
ryuen said:
The 'keyb' command followed by a layout code was indeed the way to set your layout back in the DOS days.
XP however doesn't have 'true' DOS anymore, what it has is a DOS style command prompt with basic DOS commands but not the full DOS functionality.

So... theres no solution for me?