Change OS Drive Letter, How?

Mike Armstrong

Limp Gawd
Jun 26, 2005
I want to change my OS drive letter. It's currently 'F' (I dont know why), but I want to change it to 'C' because some of my programs wont install on anything other than 'C'. I tried using the XP install disc to delete it and re-install the OS after changing the drive letter but it wont let me, also I've tried Partition Magic but after warning that my system may not reboot it fails to change the letter. Any idea's? Thanks

The only way to change it is to re-install the OS fresh, and pay attention this time during the formatting screen. It can't be done, although you'll find guides explaining how to do so. You just can't boot afterwards. You will probably need to disconnect other drives in the system so that your desired drive grabs the letter C. However, during your install, it clearly showed you it would be using F. Just go slower this time, and read the screens.
Thanks, yer right. After a search and alot of reading (I cant believe how many people ask this same question!) I now know re-install is the best cure. Question, I put the OS disc back to do the re-install, disconnected my 7 in 1 Card rreeader Floppy drive, ticked Advance, 'let me choose drive letter and partition', but it's only giving me two choices for re-install location, either (F) which has the OS on it or (M) which the the boot files are on. I can install the OS on either but the drive letter stays the same. Did I miss something? I dont mind formatting the 'entire' drive if I have to.
Quick and dirty solution assuming your OS drive is single partition with only OS data you don't care about keeping.

Remove all drive except the target drive, delete partition. Install OS.
Hi Phoenix, I have a Rapter HD, a DVD drive and a Floppy drive which I disconnected. My HD has two partitions, F has the OS system files onit, M has the boot files on it. When I try to delete and/or format either drive it wont let me because of the OS files on each drive. Running the Windows disc only allows me to re-install XP back onto the F drive without an option to change the drive letter. How can I 'just' wipe the HD clean and start over to get that OS as a C drive again?
are you trying from inside windows? if so you need to boot from the windows cd and then delete the partiton(s)..
Thanks, yes, I've just been putting in the XP install disc while on Windows, I'll try doing the install at boot-up.
remember when you delete the partition EVERYTHING IS GONE... make sure to back up what you want to save prior
Booted with XP install disc in, same options, wont let me delete F because 'important setup files'. So I went back into Windows, Fired up the install disc and this time installed the 'setup fies' onto the M drive thinking it will now let me delete F because the setup files are elswhere. But it wont, saying F still has the 'important setup files'. Can someone point me to what and where the setup files are so I can delete those specific files on F and again direct XP to install the setup files on M and then maybe it will allow me to delete F since the setup files on it wil then be gone.
I'm not sure where you are going or what you are trying to do....but here's my advice. Boot into XP, back up the files you want to keep and the format everything and start over. Based on your system config, I can't figure out how you get F and M for your Raptor partitions.
djnes said:
I'm not sure where you are going or what you are trying to do....but here's my advice. Boot into XP, back up the files you want to keep and the format everything and start over. Based on your system config, I can't figure out how you get F and M for your Raptor partitions.
Agreed, since there is a second partition (why you split it is another question) backup all data on the target drive, nuke all partitions on the target drive, and install from the CD as normal.

With only 1 drive and 1 partition you will get c:\ as the primary drive letter.
Makes no sense///// you booted TO the windows disk... not just with it in the drive..correct?? meaning you went into the bios and made your cd-rom drive the 1st boot booted and screen changed to a blue background .. it said something to the effect of ..inspecting you hardware >> window setup etc etc
hulksterjoe said:
Makes no sense///// you booted TO the windows disk... not just with it in the drive..correct?? meaning you went into the bios and made your cd-rom drive the 1st boot booted and screen changed to a blue background .. it said something to the effect of ..inspecting you hardware >> window setup etc etc
Just in case. Please make sure you are seeing the correct screens for your version of windows found here.

Windows Reinstall
Hi djnes, from what I've read there is a problem when installing XP, in that if you have a Floppy and/or Card Reader installed, Windows gets confused and if your not paying attention (like me) it will install designating the drive F rather than C. My M drive is a partition I am no longer using. In Windows it wont let me delete or format F because because the OS is on it . On Xp install it wont let me delete F because 'important setup/install files' are on it. As in my previuos post, I'm hoping if I delete those setup files on F, then I can designate M for the setup files location and delete F during install.
You didn't mention the card reader. I have one in my HTPC, and if I have to re-install XP (MCE in this case) I pull the internal USB cable until the install is are right about that.
Phoenix86 said:
Just in case. Please make sure you are seeing the correct screens for your version of windows found here.

Windows Reinstall

Thanks for the link. Somethings wrong (operator error?), I get all the asme screens except the licensing agreement one where you have hit F8, and I never get the origonal XP 'fields of grass' screen when all is finished, even though it was supposed to 'format' F and do a fresh install. All my files are there as if I had done an 'upgrade' rather than a 'new' install. I'm doing something basically stupid here and it's gonna be embarrassing when this is all over I'm sure.
Somebody, punch me in the gut!'s still sore from when I did it myself. After reading my own post, I went and double checked my BIOS like I should have in the first place. Well, the CDROM was NOT set as being the first on bootup....jeez. After that I rebooted with the XP disc in and now I see the 'press any key to boot from disc/CDROM', did that, now the F8 'agreement' page comes up. The install lists the drive as C and the rest of the install was fine. Sorry 'bout that.

For those of you installing XP, disconnect your Floppy/CARD Reader, MAKE SURE your CDROM drive is set in BIOS to be the first on bootup and if you dont get ALL the same screens as are shown in this guide....

...then your definitely doing something WRONG.
Thanks again.
