Certain pages shut off my router.. HELP


May 28, 2005
I dont know when this started but whenever my sister goes on myspace (yea i know) it totally freezes the internet and the only way i can bring it back up is to unplug the router and plug it back in then refresh all my connections. Also whenever i check some preview songs from amazon or something it does this almost immediately. I was wondering if anyone knew any solution to this problem cuz it is starting to bug me a lot. THANKS!
Latest firmware on the router? If not you might consider flashing it to the latest version. It may be a bug in the firmware that an update would fix.
i get the same problem with my clarkconnect router pc, some streaming audio stations lock it up
i have a linksys befw11s4 with the latest firmware. Sorry im so late with the reply.
sounds like the embedded media in some mysapce pages and the amazon preview it just choking that router down fast, it may be time for a better model or a third party firmware.
shaft said:
i get the same problem with my clarkconnect router pc, some streaming audio stations lock it up

That just plain shouldn't be happening. Just totally flat out, nothing should lock up that router. Shame on clarkConnect.
Kill myspace with fire = the best solution. I hate it. Hate it hate it. To be slightly more useful, perhaps building a rotuer box w/ ipcop or clarkconnect on the cheap (hell, free if you just check a dumpster) would be the cheapest option to fix your troubles. I assume that Linksys model is somewhat older.
I have the same router. I had trouble accessing certain sites until I updated the firmware. Now I'm good to go.

You can go into the router's admin. page and disable certain IP addresses for certain users (i.e. you can block your sister from visiting myspace.com). :D
I'm thinking the router may be overheating. I had a problem with my Linksys WRT54G even after updating the firmware. I shut the heat vent (3 PCs + 1 5-drive SATA RAID datatank + 3 lap-cats = warm room) and haven't had any problems since.