
Limp Gawd
Jul 8, 2004
I'm enrolled on a 2 year networking course right now.

I'm currently on CCNA 2 and finished CCNA 1. I was told by a lecturer I can take half of the exam in a few months when completed parts 1 & 2, and then parts 3 & 4 next year?

He wasn't all too sure about it though, and I was wondering if someone can explain the different exam parts for the CCNA and how I would go about sitting it in parts.

I'm guessing its best to go for sitting half of it soon and parts 3 & 4 next year? Does this effect the expiry date on the CCNA?

Thanks in advance!
last i heard you CCNA is only good for three years at the time that you complete it. My last CCNA exam was only one test so i am unsure about you having two and how they work.
Yeah, I'm guessing if you do it in parts the expiry will be calculated from the pass date of all tests.

After a quick google.. I can see there are 3 CCNA exams:

640-801 CCNA
640-821 INTRO
640-811 ICND

I'm guessing the INTRO is maybe 1 + 2 and ICND is 3 + 4? And CCNA is all of it?
CCNA can be achieved 2 ways:

You take test 640-801($125)


You take 640-821 & 640-811 ($200 total- $100 for each)

Either route of achievement is acceptable.'re confirmation has been confirmed:D
Yep confirmed. I'd rather take it all at once and get it done and over with. However, a co-worker has taken and failed 640-801 five times or so. It might be easier for you to take each one separately, like it was for him.
Depends. Might stay in your head if you take it seperately.

But CCNA1 and CCNA2 are generally one test, and 3 and then 4 is another.

I personally have never taken them, as I have never had anyone that cared about them for starters, and they expire every 3 years, so even if they would come in handy some day, they would be expired.
Also, the CCNA exam covers 3 & 4 in more depth than 1 & 2.

I wouldn't say that...

I would say they cover the same "quantity" of information, it is just that 1 and 2 generally have some stuff that you already know, which makes it just seem easier ;) Or makes 3 and 4 seem harder...
Yeah, I'm guessing if you do it in parts the expiry will be calculated from the pass date of all tests.

After a quick google.. I can see there are 3 CCNA exams:

640-801 CCNA
640-821 INTRO
640-811 ICND

I'm guessing the INTRO is maybe 1 + 2 and ICND is 3 + 4? And CCNA is all of it?

This is correct, they broke the exam up into 2 parts, Intro covers CCNA 1-2 and ICND covers 3-4. Also there is still one big test if you do not want to take 2 tests