CB Antenna Possible?

Jan 19, 2005
Ok so me and few freinds where cruisning around the neighbor hood and came across a trash with a CB radio setup. We took the antenna and stuck it on the car as a joke and I said I wanted it. I've been driving around with it for a day or two now and I was wondering could I somehow rigg this upto my WRT54G wireless router as an antenna to maybe gain some wireless distance? I see these 50-70 dollar 7db antennas at the store and thought theres gotta be a cheaper way.
Antennae are designed for specific frequency bands so a CB antenna, while it may work, is not going to be better than one that's made for the job.
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I3roknI3ottle said:
Ok so me and few freinds where cruisning around the neighbor hood and came across a trash with a CB radio setup. We took the antenna and stuck it on the car as a joke and I said I wanted it. I've been driving around with it for a day or two now and I was wondering could I somehow rigg this upto my WRT54G wireless router as an antenna to maybe gain some wireless distance? I see these 50-70 dollar 7db antennas at the store and thought theres gotta be a cheaper way.

short answer: no

long answer: hell no

CB is down in the 27Mhz band, 802.11 is in the 2.4ghz band... thats 27Mhz vs 2400Mhz... slightly different ;)