Careful with your tools!


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2004
I finally got around to posting this, I thought it was kind of funny. Made my hand a bit tender for a few days afterwards :eek:


I put a bandaid on it for a couple hours until it fell off, haven't done anything to it since :p Maybe I'll get a scar!!
Thats nothing.......i remember table sawing my middle finger. Then 2 days later routing my thumb because I had to meet a deadline for a case :D
Alright, do, with what, and doing what wrong with it?? ;)

I did a real brain fart a couple years ago, at work. Had a bonding strap, which is basically braided copper strap with crimped copper ends on it, for electrical (grounding) bonding across a couple flanges. I needed to enlarge the holes in the end tabs a bit, so they'd fit the flange bolts, and got in a hurry.

Dumb-de-dumb-dumb!! :rolleyes:

Instead of securing this thing to the drill press base, I figured I'm bad enough to hold onto it. It's only copper, pretty soft, and if the drill bit catches, I can hold it still. No problem! Chucked a 1/2" drill bit in the press, and went to do the first hole. Everything was fine until it went to break thru, and caught.

Trust me, that sucker whipped around so fast, I didn't even SEE it!! Whacked my hand, right across the back of it, before I could jerk it out of the way. I turned off the drill press, and some of the guys in the shop came over to see what all the noise was (the stupid strap was long enough that it was banging against the vertical post of the drill press). One of them looked at my hand and asked what happened, and I noticed.....

The mother of all inch wide, 3" long, and very distinctly showing where the bolt hole in the end of it was!! It took about a minute, and I had one NASTY looking bruise on my hand!! :eek:

Luckily, I convinced the boss it was nothing, and I didn't have to go to the dispensary to get it looked at. Also luckily, I heal well (and fast!!), and by the next day you could hardly tell it was there. So no time lost (man do the bosses hate those loss time accidents!!), just some stupid paperwork to fill out, and some crow to eat when the other guys razzed me!! LOL :D
stryder2720 said:
I went to school with a kid who fell on a table saw...Beat that!


christ that'd be enough to kill someone if it was raised high enough.
Many years ago I worked with a buddy in a wood craft shop. He was putting fancy edges on wall plaques on the table router.

Know how you're supposed to go against the rotation of the router bit, and make sure your fingers aren't hung over the edges?

He didn't. On both counts.

8 fingertips in tiny bloody pieces all over the wall, his belly.....
Qtip42 said:

christ that'd be enough to kill someone if it was raised high enough.
He was dicking around in his attic and fell through the ceiling onto the table saw. It was not on but the blade was about a bad ass scare to show the ladies.
Apallohadas said:
I had TWO root canals!


No you lose. Last november, I had 5 extractions 2 root canals, 2 stem/post, w/3 fillings all on the same friggin day! HAH!

damn guys!

I knew a guy that worked for my dad, he cut 3 fingers off with a makita circular saw! that was gnarly
Oldie said:
No you lose. Last november, I had 5 extractions 2 root canals, 2 stem/post, w/3 fillings all on the same friggin day! HAH!

Dude....clue...toothpaste! J/K LOL!
This is kind of a long one, but still amusing none-the-less...

One of my old Teachers, Mr. Curlette, he was my favorite teacher in highschool. He'd do all kinds of crazy random stuff. One day we were making rockets out of straws and seeing which one would launch the furthest (My best event, never lost it once in the 3 years I took his classes) we'd make catapults, we'd make planes from scratch, later on in my last year with him he had me and a few other of the more skilled students build him a 6 foot model of a Cessna from scratch balsa wood and posterboard.

Well anyways, this guy was dedicated, I mean REALLY dedicated, he'd make stuff for our projects and spend litterally sometimes 8 hours after school working on them, well one kid was having a problem with our home-made modelling cutters, so curlette was making him a custom one... He had to enlarge the hole in the razer blade he was going to attach to it... lined it up with the drill press, held the blade in place with his thumb, he figured since the drill bit was much harder metal it wouldn't catch... he was wrong.

Since the principal was making an exception for us to use the cutters as it was, he couldn't go to the nurse to get his thumb looked at 'cause they'd take them away from us since there was an accident. He just sat in a corner with a paper towel over it 'til the bleeding stopped, which was seriously not 'til like 3 hours after the school day ended.
HTPC Rookie said:
Dude....clue...toothpaste! J/K LOL!

No, I had some impacted molars that screwed up some of my other back teeth (no dental insurance in college..:rolleyes: ....)

In the hardware category, I was working with some wood and one little slip with a saw, and I got to see blood hit the ceiling, that was fun.

Also when I was 5 my left foot got caught in the spokes of a bicycle (never ride 2 unless it's a tandem), well the spokes carried it up to the chain/sproket combo and almost completely severed my foot. Thanks to some nice doctors it works fine, but you'll catch me putting my son on the back of a bicycle the same day infinium releases the phantom console.

I guy I used to work with got his 2/3 of his index finger taken off and most of his left hand smashed to a bloody pulp when he was trying to take a hicky of a plate while the press was running at 20,000/iph. Imagine getting your hand sucked into a space about 1/8" wide between a metal guard and a gigantic steel cylinder spinning about 350rpm. Now that was funny!
When I was in 7th grade I took a woodshop class. All kinds of power/cutting tools around. Well, I was making a little skateboard and I was smooth-rounding the edges with a round sander...anyways, it slipped under and my hang flung foreward and a little chunk of my middle finger got sanded off...thing is, there's absolutely no scar at all....fingerprints came back and everything. maybe I'm an alien, who knows.... Psshhh, 4ghz, yeah, that's so like 4,000years ago! :D
I've got something that can beat most. But first a few not-so-bad experiences.

We were finishing our basement, my dad was connecting to frames to form a corner. He pushed the nail gun down onto the wood and when he pulled the trigger, it slipped sending a nail into his hand. It took him about two minuts to finally pull the thing out of his hand.

Next one, My mom worked with this lady who had a little accident with a table saw, she was working with a piece of wood and didnt realize it but lost the top half of all four fingers on her left hand. I thought it was pretty funny cause she said she went into the house got her friend to come out and gather up her finger tips, the SHE drove herself to the hospital while her friend is trying to make sure she doesnt lose the fingers.

And the finale. I am a very good auto mechanic because my father races and I am his crew chief :D. Eberything I knwo about cars he taught me. One day we were putting stiffer racing springs on the car and he told me to always secure the spring to the car using nuthing less that a 3/8 inch metal chain-link chain. Usually changing springs is pretty safe but sometimes things happen. He told me this story to go along with this lesson.

As a high school/college job worked with my grandfather as a mechanic. they used to fix everything from fords to fiats. One day a guy he was working with was changing the springs on a car and my dad was working on another on the other side of the garage. The guy thought that he would do this right and made the mistake of not chaining the spring to the car. BIG MISTAKE. As he had unlinked the control arm and shock to release the spring, the car fell of the jack stands, the spring shot out of the side of the car, taking the guy's head clean off. Teaches us one things about mechanics, never underestimate anything that could be remotely dangerous when working on a car.
Ouch. I'm still weighing the dental nightmare and the decapitation to see which is worse...
Oh yes, that same woodshop class I talked about...well, years before that, the man that was my P.E. coach in 7th grade was the woodshop teacher...he ended up cutting 3 fingers little more than halfway off...therefore he retired that class and became a P.E., you know he wasn't the smartest man when he switches from woodshop to P.E.... ;)
GJSNeptune said:
I think my dad's had three or four now.

/sees and raises your win
Shit, my Dad had to get every tooth pulled out as they were rotting away...EVERY TOOTH PULLED....NOW THAT OWNS!!! :cool:
lol, kinda makes me feel sorry for you guys.

[conspiracy theory] I think the tooth paste companies have a deal with the dentist to put bad ingrediants in their tooth paste to make you have to visit the dentist more. There was a time when I was about 6 that I had skipped brushing my teeth for about a month (gross I know). NO CAVITIES!!! I get my first one about a year ago while still keeping up proper brushing and flossing habits. I tell ya they are playing us!!! [/conspiracy theory]
MasterFrmMO88 said:
lol, kinda makes me feel sorry for you guys.

[conspiracy theory] I think the tooth paste companies have a deal with the dentist to put bad ingrediants in their tooth paste to make you have to visit the dentist more. There was a time when I was about 6 that I had skipped brushing my teeth for about a month (gross I know). NO CAVITIES!!! I get my first one about a year ago while still keeping up proper brushing and flossing habits. I tell ya they are playing us!!! [/conspiracy theory]
I've thought that same thing as well! You know what I've also theorized? That Acne medicine companies pay the govt to put small trace amounts of substances that cause acne in the water so we buy their products!!! I tested this once a few years ago. Spent about 3-4 days no showering (I know, gross, but I had to do it) and I gained almost zero pinples in that time. Few hours after showering again-the bastards show their unsightly white-heads. Luckily, though, I don't get many any more.
I was stabbed in middle school by a kid that freaked out. I got a nice 3 inch scar going across my stomach now because of it. The ladies love it!
My brother had his right hand middle fingertip ripped off in a football game his Freshman year. he was playing center, he went to pass block, his finger got caught in the face mask of the nose tackle he was blocking, and the guy took off with my brother's finger hanging out of his face mask.

It got reattached and has full functionality. As a Varsity player at the time, I was running the chains, so I saw it happen.

I also got drunk one night (like a 5th of Cuervo and a 6 pack in <35 minutes drunk) and freaked out and tried to kill myself by slashing my wrist with an 18" cutlass. I severed a flexor tendon in my wrist and had to undergo surgery. I have an 8" reverse Z shaped scar that really freaks people out.
Oldie said:
No, I had some impacted molars that screwed up some of my other back teeth (no dental insurance in college..:rolleyes: ....)

I was just kidding, sorry. My youngest was born with very soft teeth, we brushed them 3 times a day since they first poked through, and I still spent 8000 bucks one year on just her teeth. No fault of her own.

Anyways, back in high school our metal shop teacher was an older guy, at least relative to us then (he was probably the same age I am now but that was old to us then :) ). He had one leg shorter than the other, so he wore those hard shoes, with one side having about a two inch higher heel than the other. Gotta remember, this was in the 70s, they didn't have shoes back then that hid the difference like they do today.

We were doing our aluminum casting projects, mine was one of those gas pedal add-ons that looked like a foot with claws.

We had all made up our molds, the type that are two pieces, you put your pattern down, pack dirt around it, flip it over, put the other half on and fill it with dirt with the holes where the molten aluminum goes in (and the air escapes), then remove the pattern and reassemble the two halves.

Well, he was the only one allowed to take the red hot crucible out of the furnace and pour the aluminum into the molds.

One of the molds didn't have the two halves pushed together all the way, and molten aluminum started pouring out the side. So, this poor guy, using the foot with the hard thick sole, tried to push on it.

He missed the edge of the mold, putting his foot in the dirt. We all stood there watching with our mouths open while his shoe filled with molten aluminum. He dropped the tongs holding the crucible, pouring molten aluminum all over the floor, and because he had pulled his foot back up so quickly, fell over into the aluminum.

He screamed like a banshee, then finally yelled "someone go get water NOW!" Someone in the shop pulled the fire alarm, which brought a call from the office over the intercom. We were all taken outside the building then. Don't know how he turned out, never saw him again.
My Great Grandfather was cutting wood with a handsaw and managed to saw through three of his fingers on his left hand before he noticed and finished cutting the wood before going to the hospital.
There's a really nice older guy who goes to our church named Gladys. I always noticed that he was missing his index finger on his right hand, and after I got to know him pretty well, I asked him how it happened.

He said that he and his brother were going out to play in the barn, and their father told them to make sure they didn't play with the ax, since he just sharppened it (you can see where this is going already). Gladys said that his brother picked it up off the wall and started hacking at stuff with it. Then he looked right at Gladys and said "I bet I could chop off your finger with this". Apparently they got into an argument about it, and decided to try to see who was right. I don't know if he was just an old guy making up stories, but his wife swears that's how it happened.
I once accidentall (obviously) rubbed my palm against my 3.5" angle grinder. I panicked pretty good, but it did no damage whatsoever.

Later on in that same mod, though, I broke a drill bit off in my dremel and it went flying and stuck about 1/8" into my arm.

Nothing too dramatic.
Apallohadas said:
I had TWO root canals!


PFFT, I've had 2 Two root canals, they're nothing :rolleyes:. I've sent a screw driver straight through my hand. It didn't feel to say the least. (Phillips screw driver if anyone is curious)
I don't really have any bad stories to tell about case mods...the tools you use to make them are just too small to do any real damage.

But I've hurt myself plenty of times working around cars and doing fab....anyone who hasn't is not seriously working on cars. I'm not trying to make myself look tough here, but if you haven't ever hurt yourself working on autos/trucks, you aren't doing anything significant with them.

I dropped a torque converter on the index finger of my left hand while taking it off a 305. Fell about 8" and landed squarely on the first joint. Hurt like crazy, blood blistered badly, I'm sure if it would have been in a position of leverage it would have broken something but it didn't.

While holding a piece of metal that I was plasma cutting I vaporized part of a welding glove and part of my finger. It not only hurt (burning) but shocked too, and vaporized a small part of my flesh on that hand. Owie.

While welding underneath a farm impliment (MIG) I wasn't really paying attention to what I was wearing and, you guessed it, some real hot chunks of molten steel went flying down my plumbers crack. You have no idea how badly that hurts. NO IDEA.
I got stabbed in the chest with a pencil by a kid in 6th grade, that was fun...OH and this one time I swallowed a pen cap. Also, I get lots of papercuts at work.
botboy said:
I don't really have any bad stories to tell about case mods...the tools you use to make them are just too small to do any real damage.

But I've hurt myself plenty of times working around cars and doing fab....anyone who hasn't is not seriously working on cars. I'm not trying to make myself look tough here, but if you haven't ever hurt yourself working on autos/trucks, you aren't doing anything significant with them.

I dropped a torque converter on the index finger of my left hand while taking it off a 305. Fell about 8" and landed squarely on the first joint. Hurt like crazy, blood blistered badly, I'm sure if it would have been in a position of leverage it would have broken something but it didn't.

While holding a piece of metal that I was plasma cutting I vaporized part of a welding glove and part of my finger. It not only hurt (burning) but shocked too, and vaporized a small part of my flesh on that hand. Owie.

While welding underneath a farm impliment (MIG) I wasn't really paying attention to what I was wearing and, you guessed it, some real hot chunks of molten steel went flying down my plumbers crack. You have no idea how badly that hurts. NO IDEA.
This one time, on my brothers old '84 GMC Sierra, my dad and i were messing with the drive shaft. And my dad couldn't get it to come apart from the rear end (my dad was laying on the ground yanking on the driveshaft and I was inside the cab) and I Popped the shifter in to Neutral and it slipped and hit him in the face. He was angry at me...He doesn't like working on cars anymore...
botboy said:
While welding underneath a farm impliment (MIG) I wasn't really paying attention to what I was wearing and, you guessed it, some real hot chunks of molten steel went flying down my plumbers crack. You have no idea how badly that hurts. NO IDEA.

OMG you just brought back a story I'd forgotten about decades ago! While I was a teenager, we lived on a Air Force base in Missouri. The base had a field where everyone was supposed to go to set off their fireworks for the 4th of July. They were still legal back then.

Me and my buddy had bought about 3 friggin million Black Cat firecrackers. We went to the approved field on base.

A huge HUGE guy squatted down to light something right in front of us, totally exposing his refrigerator repairman crack. So, my buddy, being the type of kid I was at that time, lit up a Black Cat and tossed it toward him. It went right down the guy's crack.

I heard this muffled *BOOF*.

This fat bastard screamed, stood up, turned around and had a look like "SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE!" Then he looks straight at me! Before I even got out "it wasn't me it was..." he starts charging toward ME!

For a fat dude, he could run like the devil, he kept up with a 14 or 15 old kid (me) for what must have been 2 city blocks before he finally gave up!

I will say a couple so i can keep track of this thread

One time I was bored and there was a big tire so I tired to stand the tire up so i could throw a football through it. It wouldnt stay upright on its on so I found a long piece of metal and leaned the metal on the tire. While positioning it the tire slipped and the metal fell and scraped the skin off the front of my leg from knee to ankle. It was my dads friends house(i think they were out on a boat on the lake) so my cousin got my a towel to hold on the wound till they got back.

I was bored and i had a rubber band and a lighter so i lit the rubber band on fire, half of the molten rubber band landed on my finger and i couldnt shake it off, I still got a big depression in the side of that finger

One time on Mackinaw(a lilttle island in one of the great lakes) we rented bikes, the lady told us to be careful because they were new, after going down a big will we ended up in the center of town and I went to stop and hit the front hand brake, I balanced quiet perfectly over the handle bars and then flipper over and the bike landed on me. Worst part was I landed in a big pile of horse poo.....
OH OH I remember another. I had a broken necklace and my dad had some Solder laying around. So I grabbed a lighter and tried to melt the solder on to the necklace just perfect to fix it and the molten solder landed on my hand and I went to shake it off and by the time it hit the floor it was solid again. I still have a scar.
Captain Colonoscopy said:
I guy I used to work with got his 2/3 of his index finger taken off and most of his left hand smashed to a bloody pulp when he was trying to take a hicky of a plate while the press was running at 20,000/iph. Imagine getting your hand sucked into a space about 1/8" wide between a metal guard and a gigantic steel cylinder spinning about 350rpm. Now that was funny!

Saw a guy lose a whole hand in a Didde 17" web press. He was washing up and saw something out the corner of his eye (got distracted) and the cotton pad he was using sucked his whole hand into the machine. It degloved his hand and the skeleton was sticking out for just two fingers. Then he went into shock, but never passed out. I had to call his family since I knew his daughter from school. Fucking nasty.