Can't use current Win 7 accounts - only newly created accounts work

Aug 21, 2009
I have a machine that I let sit turned off for a few months and when I turned it back on, the logon went fine but when I went to map drives (sourced at this old computer) to my main desktop machine, none of the usernames would connect. I tried every combo possible and none would work. I decided to create a new account and I can map all drives with this account. Seems strange to me.

The strangest part is that I can log on with the old account settings but I can't map drives with it.

Anyone have any ideas what might be going on?
map drives? Windows Explorer? what do you mean?
Is this a workgroup environment? If so, you may have accounts on the your machine as well as the destination (the computer that hosts the UNC that you're trying to map). Are you sure the passwords didn't change on one and not the other?