Can't Read BSOD at startup


Limp Gawd
Feb 8, 2003
I have a friends computer (HP). It has XP PRO installed, when it starts it will get to the load screen and then BS for a second then go to the safemode screen and then do the same thing.

Windows never fully loads, is there a way to see what the BSOD says before it shuts down and restarts?

Don't know...although I have gotten in a similar situation, and my only option at that point was to nuke my win install...interestingly enough, that is also when I started dual booting.
If youc an boot into safe mode , go control panel > system > advanced > startup and recovery > hit settings > uncheck the "automatically restart" box in the middle of the window that comes up.
Before windows starts to boot, hit F8 to call the Windows boot menu, then select "Disable Automatically Restart on System Failure" and restart the computer :D

Whenever i try to go into the bios (F8 or DEL) it goes into the safe mode screen.

Could there be another key i have to push at start up?