Can't overclock E4300 at all! (DS3P)


Apr 8, 2007
Hello, I recently bought a new rig with an E4300, GA965-DS3P (3.3), 7900gs and 1x2GB ADATA 667mhz DDR2. I flashed the bios to latest, as you do, but I simply cannot get this CPU to overclock by even 1mhz. I followed the guide on BIOS settings here, turned off everything that was asked and adjusted the voltages but the CPU simply wont overclock.

Basically, if I take the FSB off auto and change it to 201, or any number really, and hit F10, save and reset, all that happens is that the computer either powers off, comes back on, does this a few times with no post or I get to post and it stops at ram, resets and goes back to the default safe settings. I've tryed practically all combinations of settings, and I've been asking everywhere for help as this problem has totally stumped me.

:confused: :confused:
Hello, I recently bought a new rig with an E4300, GA965-DS3P (3.3), 7900gs and 1x2GB ADATA 667mhz DDR2. I flashed the bios to latest, as you do, but I simply cannot get this CPU to overclock by even 1mhz. I followed the guide on BIOS settings here, turned off everything that was asked and adjusted the voltages but the CPU simply wont overclock.

Basically, if I take the FSB off auto and change it to 201, or any number really, and hit F10, save and reset, all that happens is that the computer either powers off, comes back on, does this a few times with no post or I get to post and it stops at ram, resets and goes back to the default safe settings. I've tryed practically all combinations of settings, and I've been asking everywhere for help as this problem has totally stumped me.

:confused: :confused:

Try taking everything off auto and setting it to stock speeds.
Does it still boot?
Nope, if I take auto FSB off and leave it at 200 it doesnt boot properly. Pretty much I've been pointed in the direction of "bad buy", other people with DS3Ps have found it impossible to overclock with a nVidia card in the system. I'm going to try and use the windows software to get the job done.

I dont have your answer but, GA-DS3's are known for not being, perhaps the best motherboards. :p Many have said they have hard times overclocking on it as well. Especially with the 3.3 version.

I dont think this is your issue, since even the worst motherboards should be able to overclock 1mhz. :p I think its clearly a bios setting issue. Perhaps the memory maybe? Not sure how high you plan on ocing with ADATA 667mhz memory either.
you have to enable it from the bios for sure.

If you dont it will not let you move 1mhz up , also the extra bios's it has makes it impossible.

you go in to the bios and there is this setting you need to enable, if you can get us printscreens of your bios or jpegs then people can help you.
I have a very similar setup to you

GA-965P-DS3 rev 3.3
7900 GS KO
but with 2x 1024MB Patriot PC6400 RAM.

I am running F10 bios and have no issues reaching 3+ GHz

It defineately sounds like a bios setting.
Maybe something on one of the other pages other than the MIT one.

If you post the rest of your settings I could look through them and see if anything is different.
Moose, could you post your settings? I have a setup very similar to yours, except I have the G. Skill DDR2-800 RAM and an 8800 GTS video card. I am having similar troubles that Renau is having as well.

I have started with 9x266 with SPD of 3.00 and upped my voltage as high at 1.4 and still get nothing.

I have the same problem with the following setup:
965P-DS3 3.3
2x1Go PC5300 Crucial
LeadTek 7950GT 512 Mo

I've tried everything I have found on the net, everything but using an old PCI VGA card

What happens is once I exit the BIOS, the mobo powers off, then powers on, and then powers off again after VGA BIOS, just before POST. Then it powers on again, all settings are gone. I wonder if the problem is not related to the delay introduced by the VGA BIOS. System doesn't POST quickly enough after power on, and considers that the setting changes are bad, and powers off to reload previous settings.
Well I know its not your e4300, its some setting in the BIOS or something is not quite right with the mobo.

My e4300 hits 3.3GHz, it could most likely do higher if I had better cooling,
I have (almost) the same problem. My e4300 will do good up until 9x280 but it will not boot at anything above 280 fsb even if i go 6x300, 6x333 at 1.45v. Im cooling my chip with a tuniq tower and temps are fine. I think we need to do the bsel mod to our e4300s to remedy all these weird ass oc problems
I have found a solution

I borrowed a good old PCI VGA card to a friend
First, I plugged it alone, with no PCIe VGA, and overclock was possible with no problem (233 FSB)
Then I added my PCIe card. The BIOS was set to boot first on PCI card. I could enter the BIOS, raise my oc (266 FSB), and rebooted without any problem, because the VGA BIOS is quickly up and ready, mobo POST occurs just one second after power on (instead of 5 or 6 seconds when booting on the PCIe card)
Windows boots, and uses my PCIe card, as the PCI card can't start under XP (a good old Trio 64UV+)

So the conclusion is: to overclock your brand new 2007 system, use a very advanced PCI VGA card from the previous millenium... quite funny no ?

I think my first assumption seems quite good, the problem is not a compatibility issue with a nVidia PCIe card, but a delay involved by some VGA BIOSes.
When my PCIe card boots up, it counts and verify its 512 Mb of ram. I'm sure I would not have the problem with only 256 Mb, as it would take less time to test.

I hope there is a way for Gigabyte to fix this delay (if confirmed) so that we don't all need a PCI card to overclock
I've had no problems with my setup (similar to y'alls) although I have an e6300 2MB. See my sig for the rest and details. I've got VT off as I don't use it and all of the other energy savings. No-excute support and thermal protection are the only 2 options that are enabled. Make sure you lock your PCI-e port to 100-105Mhz (wouldn't go any higher than 105 myself). Try no overvoltage on the chipset components as well, if that doesn't work, then try uping them .01v at a time for each too.

This baby could go higher than 3Ghz easily, my RAM is just limited at 3Ghz. But I see no reason to get new RAM (and cooling) just to gain 300-500Mhz for a 2-5% increase in games, 10% at best. The C2Ds really fly at 3Ghz or more. Higher than 3Ghz doesn't net you the best performance gain as you get diminishing returns. You'd need to have it within the 3.6-3.8Ghz range to notice a difference vs 3.0-3.4Ghz imo. GPU OCs is where it's at tbh for differences in games.

Wish I coud help more, but I've got a different CPU and RAM. I'm using bios F10 as well, but my memory and bandwidth is higher (430Mhz/1.7Ghz). I am running at 1:1 though, perhaps you guys just got a bad batch (as some 4300s are duds). I don't think the MB has much to do with it, but who knows what was changed between rev. 1.1 and 3.3.
so I made other tests. I had no problem to reach 300 MHz FSB (did not try above, will see later with a new HSF as I only have Intel Box)
C1E worked without problem (1800 idle, 2700 full)

then I removed my PCI VGA card, rebooted... and lost my settings once more. Seems I need to leave my PCI VGA card in... and that my assumption is not correct in fact
Weird ass problem for sure. I have an e4300, DS3 v.1.0, 8800gts 640, 2x1gb ram etc and everything runs smooth as butter cpu @ 3,2GHz (24/7 settings). Hell, it even posts at 3.5 :>


I think it's a compatibility issue. Have you tried it with a different pci-e card?
problem finally solved

I simply flashed my LeadTek 7950GT with a nVidia BIOS (more recent)
I can overclock at will now