Can't delete file (Not Found error Windows 7 Ultimate)

Format _C:

Jun 12, 2001
I am having a problem deleting a file from the desktop it says it is not there and will not delete it. Is there a way to delete this file without formatting the drive
here is an image of the error


I am using the Windows 7 Ultimate

I also tried running ScanDisk and it found no errors so I am at a loss here
Perhaps the file doesn't exist. Have you tried rebooting? Refreshing the desktop?
Reboot and try again. Or download Unlocker. Or, if you really want 64-bit support on Win7, try the alternate LockHunter.
I tried rebooting and refreshing the desktop to no avail (This has been going on a while now and its starting to bug me now)
OK I just tried both programs and it says nothing is locking the files and it will still not delete, even from the programs delete function
What about pulling the drive and looking at it (and running a chkdsk) from another machine?
Have you tried starting the computer in safe mode and deleting it?
If it were giving the "something else has this file opened" I'd suggest Handle. However, that "moved or deleted" message generally happens when you have a cached view of a network resource that needs to be updated. Rebooting/refreshing/etc should all remove it if it is, in fact, gone.
Boot into a LiveCD of some sort and delete it out... That might be your quickest resolution.

Whenever I've had this, rebooting or refreshing the desktop has always solved it.