Canon MP 620 has poor signal and slow printing

Aug 5, 2005
Hi I have a Canon MP 620 printer which works wireless with my Time Capsule. The Time Capsule is hooked up to my mac Pro, it's been working perfectly for a couple of months.

The Canon Printer is on my network so all the computers can print to it. Recently I've been noticing that my Mom's PC had slow internet so I changed the network key, hoping that would fix the issue.

but now I can't print to my Canon MP620. It says that it's inactive so I hadto setup the printer like I did months ago. I plugged the Canon MP620 directly into my Mac Pro, put the setup disk in the computer, once it installed it asks me for a network password, so I entered it.

When it was done I unplugged the printer from the Mac and placed it in another room. It then checked signal connection between my Time Capsule and the printer and it said that it was poor and unstable.

It said that it could print but it would be slow. I don't know why there's a poor connection. When I first installed the Canon Printer months ago the connection showed that it was excellent.

I can print to the printer but it's very slow. Pages take a long time to print. This is really frustrating me. Please help