Cannot reinstall SAV10.1 after removing SEP 11.0

Feb 19, 2004
Hello all,

I have been digging through all of the posts on the Symentec STN network and doing a lot of googling but I cannot seem to find the answer to my problem. Wondering if anyone here has run into this issue. Basically we upgraded a client from SAV 10.1.5 to SEP 11.0 before I knew about all the stupid problems with it. It worked "fine", albeit slowly, for about three weeks but then started giving all the network share errors and not letting people login, etc. Tried installing the "hotfix" that Symantec released but that doesn't do anything either. I read posts from many unhappy SEP customers that managed to successfully uninstall SEP and reinstall SAV. This is what I want to do but it won't let me.

Yesterday I uninstalled SEP and SEPM. This was not a very clean process. I ended up having to do the manual removal although I did use the script provided by another poster on the STN forums. Had to kill svchost.exe to delete some SEP service which, incidentally, killed all network access for client workstations again. Somewhere during this process the windows installer service got disabled. :(

After I managed to clean up all the left over crap from that uninstall I tried reinstalling SAV Server 10.1 on this server. It goes through the copying motions but then sits there for about 15-20 minutes before it gives the following error:

Setup has not received an update status from 'SERVER'. The server may still be updating, or an error occurred on the server.

Do you want to continue waiting for the server status?

So if I wait it does nothing, if I cancel this it still does nothing. Tried running the MSI for the client just to see what would happen and I got the following error:

Symantec AntiVirus Installer Information
A newer version of this software is already installed on this machine.

If anyone here has run into this problem or has some ideas for me that would be great. I'm not getting any responses from Symantec on their forums and I don't want to call their tech support line. If anyone has had to do that before you know it takes about 3 hours to get a hold of anyone that can actually fix something for you . . . .


I would agree with the no Symantec is a good Symantec . . .. only problem is they have about six months left on their license and don't want to buy new until closer to when it is up. We are already moving all our clients over to Nod32 that expired already or are getting ready to, these guys just have to wait. . . . .

I'll try googling those tools you mentioned and see what happens. Thanks. :)

I. . .

I'll try googling those tools you mentioned and see what happens. Thanks. :)

Those tools are the corporate product versions of rnav and symnrt. The servers Symantec hosts them on were password protected recently..within the past several months. <==if you dig up a layer you can explore many sub folders with special tools for other biz products.

Not sure if the forums you post in at Symantec would offer the passwords.
Post here if you learn of them. :)
Wow de ja vu.

I installed SEP on my terminal server yesterday. Seemed to go ok but then when my users started to log in we were getting error messages.
I called their enterprise support (which IMO are top notch) About an hour later we found that a registry key had the wrong permissions set on it.
When I installed SEP I just installed the antivirus not the network protection and all that other crap.
I had a much harder time installing version 10.2
I think version 11 is a much easier program and easier on resources. I would say give it a shot again to reinstall and if there's issues call their support. Like I said I had a great experience.
To this day I still do not know why Symatec Anti Virus is so crappy. Always has dumb issues like it just stops updating all of a sudden, of course, you cannot click the update manually button since its greyed out depending on access rights. This was common for version 9.5. We have upgraded to SAV 10, been working well so far, but I don't know for how long.
If you figure out the fix for this let me know.

The removal tools are what I would try though. SCSCleanWipe replaced nonav and yes they can be a bitch to find. Always drove me nuts trying to find the newer versions.

I will say I do love one thing about sep 11 though. It is the end straw that convinced my boss to let us start switching clients to over av soltuions as the contracts expire. In our case I think we are going with kaspersky. It is really between them and Eset NOD32 although my boss wants to look into trendmicro more as he knows a few people that really seem to like it.

We tried to upgrade a client to sep11 and stoped and backed away after loading the server side of it.
If you search Symantec's support section, they have a manual removal procedure for most of their products.

I will warn you now, if it relates to AntiVirus, it is ugly, Ugly, UGLY! Set aside a few hours.

Dunno....that link has been around for a long time...used it for years, somewhere over the past 6 months or so it was passworded.
If you search Symantec's support section, they have a manual removal procedure for most of their products.

I will warn you now, if it relates to AntiVirus, it is ugly, Ugly, UGLY! Set aside a few hours.

Oh trust me I've been unfortunate enough to have to resort to those steps....several hundred times over the many years I've been in IT. Going back to around version 5 of Symantec CE. And with just about all the other major brands out there too...manual removal of McCrapee enterprise editions is just about as UNfun. I had it memorized for a while back with CE 7 and 8 versions..because I used to sell/install it so much.

When you're deploying it or working on a clients network..and you have a long list of things to do while onsite...these removal tools help you quite a bit timewise..rather than getting stuck sitting at at least one workstation for a 1/2 hour.
Thanks for the link to that TechLarry. I just downloaded it and ran it. It found some crap and removed it so that was good. After the reboot their QuickBooks auto-update was broke so I had to download mcf71.dll and that fixed it.

Trying to deploy the SAV server right now. I'll let you guys know how that goes. :D

Holy Jeebuz! It actually worked. Thank you guys so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate not having to call Symantec support! :D :D :D :D :D

I just downloaded it and ran it. It found some crap and removed it so that was good. After the reboot their QuickBooks auto-update was broke so I had to download mcf71.dll and that fixed it.

Probably still want to run the TCP/Winsock repair utility...just for good measure.
Well, you're just no fun at all. I figured I would wait until everything blew up again tomorrow morning when no one can login again. :p