cannot reach "factory" GPU speed


Mar 10, 2004
I have a geforce FX5200 64mb go in my laptop and it is supposed to be able to operate at 300mhz gpu and 600mhz ram. The max I have been able to get is 235 gpu and 522 mhz ram. There is only a thermal pad to cool the GPU and the ram has nothing whatsoever. Would adding ram heatsinks and a very small CPU heatsinnk to my GPU with a good thermal paste help me get to the 300/600 that is stated to be the "factory" speeds. This card is the best I can get in the form factor so I am trying to get the most out of what I have. I am looking for suggestions. Thanks
In a laptop?!? The mobile version is not the same as the desktop version. They typically run on much lower power, and as you've already noticed, have absolutely zero room for heat dispersion. Furthermore, I don't know where you're getting your numbers, but the "normal" FX5200 part even in a desktop card only runs at 250 / 400 last I recall... Only the Ultra part ran at 325+ with memory at 500+...

I'm also not sure how you think that a heatsink or fan could wedge under your keyboard on a laptop, or would good it would do since you have no way of getting that hot air OUT of the machine. It's one huge heatsoak magnet, especially when you overclock it.

Consider yourself lucky to have reached the speeds you did, and leave it at that.
sorry to say but your facts are wrong... 300mhz core and (up to) 600mhz ram (depending on manufacturer). There IS room and others have modded very similar cards to produce much less heat. I am just wondering if all of the 5200 spec GPU's are designed to run at the same speed or if each manufacturer can custom tailor the max speeds just as they do memory. I do not want this to be "confrontational" but all sources, including nvidia's website confirm 300/600. I just need to know if lessening the heat on both the GPU and ram will alow further gains.
Originally posted by higney85
There IS room and others have modded very similar cards to produce much less heat.

yeah but probally not in laptops like Albuquerque said ;)