Cannot netowkr my dlink dgl-4300 to my wife's ibook


Limp Gawd
Jun 10, 2004
I was hoping for a suggestion here- I have a dlink network router dgl-4300 and it works great for gaming, internet surfing, etc. But it wimply will not conenct to my wife's imac notebook computer. I selected a wep key in both the laptop and the router, and it simply will nto conenct. Does anyone ahve any sugggestions?

I input a 40 bit wep key with both, then I tried a 128 bit key. Again, I made sure it was the same on the router as well as the laptop. Am I missing something?

Thank you
Try the WPA-EAP or WPA-PSK settings instead of WEP they are more secure.

Actually, before you do that, make sure you have the most recent firmware for the router and the most recent NIC driver on the MAC.

I had trouble with a MAC not wanting to connect to a wireless router at a client's house. I had to try all of the security options in the router until I found one the MAC liked. None of his PCs had any problem connecting. Then of course I had to go back to all of the PCs and change to the one the MAC and router agreed on.

How come that smart-ass kid on the Apple commercials never mentions MAC problems? :)
Check the MAC filtering opption on your router. LOL seems like a joke but if this is on you may need to get the physical address of the NIC Mac Computer and put it in the filter. or turn this feature off.