Can you disable the wm player preview?


Jun 11, 2003
Can you disable it? Its the lil preview box when you highlight a video to the left.


Please help.
? Are you on drugs? lol its been doing that since the 98 windows media 7 or whatever. I just wanna disable it cause its pointless.
Actually, it is usually off by default in previous versions of windows. I think it's more of one of the internet explorer things that caused it. In fact, if you ever looked at the web code for explorer back in 98SE, they had the code for that in there, but they remarked it out with the message that it causes troubles sometimes.

Anyway, I don't recall for sure whether there was a normal way to disable this, but there are some sort of workarounds unless I'm mistaken. First, you might try this:

I think it will stop the process responsible for this. While not a perfect solution (the basic code is still there) I think it should still have the indirect effect of completly stopping that and speeding up folder browsing with avi files.

The problem with this is it removes some of the details for the video files. And I think they said even in WMP those details have trouble showing up right. Of course, I haven't used WMP since 6.4 (last good version before it turned to crap.)

EDIT: Noticed in some comments that apparently you can search for 87D62D94 to do the trick that site mentions above more easily than trying to get to it the hard way (that's a lot of numbers to go through by hand after all.)

EDIT2: Hrm... Found this too:
There's a better way to unregister shmedia.dll from the system. All you have to do is run "REGSVR32 /U SHMEDIA.DLL", and it'll be removed from the system. No potentially dangerous registry editing required. If you need it back in, just run "REGSVR32 SHMEDIA.DLL", and next login, it should be active again.
I turn it off by using classic view or whatever it's called. It disables the funky (and IMHO useless) sidebar.

Anyway, I now use 2xExplorer instead of Explorer, which doesn't have any of those annoying features.
Did you restart after the registry trick? The process is still loaded, so it doesn't work unless you do. And it's impossible for the classic view thing to not work... It completly REMOVES that bar, therefore there can't be a preview in a bar that no longer exists, now can there...

Perhaps that particular folder has a customization. Classic view is supposed to disable that, but if it's customized correctly, then I imagine the registry trick might not work. If this is the case, set explorer to show hidden files. There should be a folder.htt or whatever it was explorer used (been a while since I messed around with the annoying folder customization crap.) Just delete or rename the file if you find it and it removes any customization.

BTW, it doesn't hurt to crop your images... That's a lot of white you have to scroll through...
Originally posted by Elledan
I turn it off by using classic view or whatever it's called. It disables the funky (and IMHO useless) sidebar.

Anyway, I now use 2xExplorer instead of Explorer, which doesn't have any of those annoying features.

I didnt know about 2xexplorer, looks cool, thanks
Well, try the first part where you edit the registry key then. I know it's more work, but it's more thorough anyway. Per the usual disclaimer, remember to export a backup first.

BTW, this is primarily used to fix that issue where explorer will sometimes freeze up on very large or damaged video files since it tries to read in the entire file and look at the index block. So you kind of kill two birds with one stone by disabling this if it works.

Oh, and I hadn't heard of 2xExplorer before either. I'm not sure if I can get used to it, but it's worth a look. For one thing, I like being able to hit back and forward with the side mouse buttons, but only explorer seems to support this of all the things I've tried for file managing (all gui internet browsers I've tried appear to though -- not coincidentally since explorer is more internet explorer than the original explorer these days. I'll bet none of the original explorer code is even left anymore, all replaced with mixtures of IE junk. Not coincidentally, some people like to replace explorer with the old win95 version.)