Can WHS2011 handle DNS/ADDC duties reliably?


Limp Gawd
Mar 29, 2007
I was going to switch to Server 2012 Essentials but in the past week I've had the eval crash on me twice.

I need something that is a bit more reliable and don't really want to end up paying for 3 2012 Standards if I don't need to for my home network/lab setup.

Granted I use that system for a couple other things as well(F@H,torrents, hosting the share for the VM's used by the other 2 servers) but well I never had WHS2011 crash on me and this last time that 2012 E crashed it wouldn't even do a reboot.

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions.
Why was server 2012 essentials crashing? You should look into that before jumping ship, as it is most likely a configuration/hardware issue that will show up on a new install.
Why was server 2012 essentials crashing? You should look into that before jumping ship, as it is most likely a configuration/hardware issue that will show up on a new install.

the BSOD didn't give any info. Is there a way I can look into it? I really would like to keep a 2012 server setup going to be honest. Although I could move most of the services to the standard servers and turn the whitebox into an iSCSI host.
View the event viewer? BSODs usually create a dump file as well with info on what caused the crash.