Can Server 2008 R2 be made to work like WHS 2011


Apr 11, 2000
Hey All,

I am building a new home server/NAS

I have server 2008 R2 (Got it free), I want to install it and set it up like WHS 2011 (i am cheap and dont want to buy WHS)

Is it possible to convert Server 2008 R2 into WHS or make it have the same look and feel?

8gb ddr2
500gb OS drive
3x1tb Data drive (Raid 5) will expand later also
GTX260 (overkill, but left over after a build)

Any help would be great.
The only difference that I am aware of is that WHS has it's own gui. The normal tools are still there, so they operate similary, one is just more automated.

If you're looking for a GUI tool for Server 2008, that looks like WHS, then I think you're SOL.

WHS 11 can be bought for $50 if you want the GUI. Otherwise, Server 2008 is so easy to set up, even a noob can do it.
Server 2008 R2 has no remote web-interface by default, either. That alone would be worth the $50 to me.
It would take a lot of 3rd party apps, server knowledge and programming skills to get Server 2008 R2 to bring what WHS does to the table.

Honestly, you're suggested rig is a bit overkill for a simple WHS box. Consider setting up that machine as a Server 2008 R2 box and running WHS 2011 in VM. That way you have all the functions of WHS with the flexability of a full 2008 server box, and the ability to play with more VM's.